Monday 30 January 2012



A Collection - Of the Articles / Writings

By Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon (c) 1982 - 2013 US UK France Brazil


The Complaint Department

About A Crowley & G B Gardner

Cutting Through The Rubbish


Hi, folks!

In rainy days...

Aren't we all tired already of this lame Academia with its Sciences who are just way too quick to label "Real Witches" as mentally sick people of one type or another or the kinder and gentler mentally imbalanced people and/or finally ignores and attempts to assure the stupid majority that real witches do not exist!

And we must not forget the damage control fringe...
Yes, we all have heard rumours from time to time of blatant cover-ups when it comes to Unexplainable Phenomena, UFOs, etc...
Which are always carefully downplayed for the public and dismissed as hoax.

Aren't we all tired already of these people who put on this big front of "I am Big and Independent"...

- "I know what it is best for..."

- "I am this or that but..." - "I am the Alpha this or that because I..."

However when you really listen to them a bit and/or you read their stuff, you cannot help but to disappoint yourself for finding out that they are only "Sitters-on-the-Big-Fence"!

Like a bunch of scared squirrels...

They do have pose but that it is all They do...

Some of these people seem to have the manners of a wild zebra...

Some of these people can really play a world of carefully staged wisdom and meaning however they play it from their own self-made pedestal and as if trying to reassure themselves that they are superior to/better than the rest of the people...

Some are as cold as ice and you can see how they adore dishing out "Criticisms" as if they were born just for that and the world must thank them, LOL.

Five minutes later you take one look at their game and you can clearly see that they are just children playing with words, playing the "I want your attention show" and hoping that nobody sees how unsure they really are of themselves and their own beliefs and choices in life...

You know, the type of people who will disagree just to be trendy or become this or that because it seems cool...
It is most likely a phase for most people like that and it does pass and they heal, thanks Goddess!

But we still must deal with this primitive world of advanced stupidity, shameful greed and forced/imposed ignorance...

The majority of the people...

They just want to live a good and peaceful life, to partake of the give-and-take dance of life, have some love, have some fun, enjoy and fulfil one's own lifetime...

The majority of the people, they do not want any stupid wars nor any stupid religions to push them around, to manipulate their personal choices, their actions and reactions, to influence their political opinions/votes...

In sunny days...

Isn't it great that we can look at everything and still believe and trust that it will be all right and we all are going to be happy and satisfied no matter what...

Amongst the crowd somebody says - But JD, I am already happy and satisfied and my life is great!

There is always one of those...

In a crowd, you know...

Good for you! Just get ready for rainy days because nothing lasts for ever and if you are having a bad time, it will have to pass sooner or later as after rainy days, sunny days must always follow...

However for people too happy, hey get ready for the rain and always remember Life is mix of all emotions, of all flavours and we cannot avoid the sum of our own evolution.

Just having a talk.

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon



I would like to append herein my shared view that Gerald B Gardner did not invent Wicca at all!

I am also "Not" one to jump on the bandwagon of the people who have written and/or write books to discredit Paganism, Witchcraft and Wicca and our elders who were brave enough to have brought forth in public their own sharing.

I do not roll over just because some dumb idiots hiding behind their dubious motivations and their modified-to-order Academia which only caters to private interests of the rich minority elite.

Pagan Wiccan Fundamentalism is not my point nor my intent or position...

However most of the official history is made out of sanitized and agreed-upon Lies and to undress Paul in order to dress Roland is ridiculously stupid.

We all have our own share of our own "bullshit" but some of us are not afraid of being Human and to admit that sometimes we all are full of shit.

What is this rubbish of assuming that any "Corrected-ness Of Any Sort" is always the rule...

Dumb people, haven't they learned anything, the whole world is built upon wishes and dreams, most of it never comes true for those who wish them and the ones who do come true get modified by the evolution of all changes that come to bear upon everyone and everything that exists.

To isolate G B Gardner and simply crucify him for what he gracefully has willingly and freely shared is ignorant and stunningly and embarrassingly full of shit!

G B Gardner like every and each human being was not perfect nor complete and much like we all are within our own natural differences, means and ways.

I am not one to welcome nor to give a rat's ass about anything which comes from these presumptuous and pompous nitwits who call themselves members of the Pagan, Wiccan family but whose behaviour and actions display their shameful lack of love, lack of loyalty, disrespect, betrayal against their own religions and the elders thereof.

I do love G B Gardner and his works and I always will!

No, he did not invent Wicca however he gave a lot to it and I am thankful that he did and chiefly at the time when he did!

I would like to append herein my shared view that Aleister Crowley did not invent the schools of thinking that he wrote about.

He did improve upon the many existing schools of thinking that he was exposed to.

He saw beyond them and was able to grasp the Meaning.

I love Crowley because he was such a good joker, just take a long promenade in his delightful works, The Equinox, etc...

I will put it to you all this way...
Crowley nearly drowned and died in the spoils of the many seas of mythological junk, real rubbish that he had sunk in...

However, not really at all because he was a real lovable genius too...

Passing through and seeing beyond the mythological fronts and pass-me-not rings in his own works is quite a Herculian job which requires the wise wings of Individuation to negotiate the impact of seeing All as All really is...
That it is, to grow bravely and wisely enough to see through the human invented/made-up sides/dimensions of every and each word, of every and each myth, of every and each school of thinking.

Forget the Patristic tones, Doms and their wilfully ignorant and biased values!

Forget the Zoroastrian/Dualistic rubbish of the personifications of qualities/labels like good and bad and all idiotic/stupid and obsolete mandates thereof!

Crowley saw beyond all of that but then again he really knew where he was, the collective mind of his
own time, the well-trained, wilful ignorance of the minority elite and that of the masses/the people!

Crowley took it all and dressed it all up in the Mysteries of Difference.

Crowley realized that in order for his work to be respected, it must first be feared chiefly when one is dealing with the minds of primitive people - Children!
So he made his Mysteries of Differences sacred by adding the required religious language and flavours of his own time.

Our differences are as sacred as the powers/energies which gifted us with them.

We all are different and we all must learn to know and to own our own differences as they define our changes, our experiences and our individual Meaning.

Everything begins with the Self.

In order to learn Crowley one must first live Crowley, I mean - To live his Meaning!

Alike G B Gardner, Crowley did not invent Wicca.
Yes, I do love both A Crowley and GB Gardner for their works and I am thankful to them!

Wicca is a Religion, a belief system whose ownership belongs only to those who find Wicca within themselves first.

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon



I don't know where to start but sure enough we can begin with:

Mainstream religions and their false claims, exaggerated promises as the late comedian George Carlin had so very well put...

The "Economy", the business world and its mirrors and smoke make-as-if games...

The fact always as it was and it is, the economy, folks, it is always good and well for those who have...
And damn it, it will always be bad and nasty for those who have not.
End of it.

Hey have you heard about the National Health Care Plan for All?
The mass, the little people have been fooled again into fighting against what it is best for their own interests as they fight and play the fault-finding game of the minority elite and for the minority elite and against themselves - the poor.

Look, all you have to see is very little indeed! Do you a have a National Health Plan at all?
Thank you!
Then stop messing around and attempting to destroy everybody's chances of having one because something is better than nothing at all.
Once you have a National Health Plan in place, then go ahead and fight to fine-tune it to cover your concerns!
Bloody dumb people, I am sorry! But it is true!
Get a Plan first and complain later!

Just my view!

Folks, it is all rubbish...I mean real it is all rubbish!

To say something meaningful and/or to write something meaningful is quite o.k. and at times equally very nice however it is empty and lame chiefly if/when we do not actually live the meaning of what we are saying and/or writing.

The word "Friendship" used to mean something long ago... But then too many people began to use it so loosely and meaninglessly that it has become basically rubbish.

My friend that, my friend this, I am glad that you are my new friend... Rubbish!

Some people like to preserve, hoard and keep their moneys, their resources and that it is fine by me.
However when one of these people find themselves in a little jam or rather something like needing a towing, needing a ride... They call on their friends and family to rescue them.
I mean they prefer to save and keep their own money/resources and spend someone else's time, money and resources.
Hey if a person is out of money and needs friends and family, it is all right.
But it is not fair, it is not friendly, it is not family-oriented, it is not nice and most of all it is an arrogant self-serving/selfish way of behaving when we hoard our own resources so that we can use and abuse other people's good will and of course their resources.

"I do not play that!" People who play that or attempt to play that, they are not friends and if they are family, we must protect ourselves from their abuse!

Friendship is not a self-serving binge on a free-for-all abuse show!

Real and true friendship and friends are made out of people who care for each other and who really and truly are willing to put their hands on the fire for each other if/when needed be.

Real and true friendship require people to get to know each other in real time and in real life, to actually experience each other, to feel mutual trust, mutual caring and love growing between each other.

People talk, say and write so much these days under the so-called words as friends and friendship however nobody is bothering to actually live these words in real life and in real time. It is all an empty however glamorous and cheap put-on, it is all a set of spur of the moment short-lived, fanciful infatuations/staged reactions and superficial/selfish/self-serving situations... And in the end sadly the fact always is, that it is all nothing more than bullshit and not any friendship at all.

In the exchanges of all life, sexual relations are always beautiful and desirable however it is always wiser, sweeter and best enjoyable when it happens with meaning, that it is, between people who freely and willingly do care and love each other mutually and au natural... Because the rest may taste fine for about ten to fifteen minutes a year ago but it will get you sick for life or worse, it will kill you dead needlessly sooner than you expected.

It is an era of major rubbish indeed... Take this...

A whole lot of people have actually convinced themselves that they do not need nor want any "Love" because they are quite content and happy with just "Having Meaningless Sex" with other people who feel the same way...

At first, such looks absolutely brilliant and great... All the delicious pleasures of sex without any of the spoils of any difficult responsibilities which commonly come along with, without having to worry, without having to caring, without feeling any pains nor sorrows and the over-rated "no serious attachments" clause... They are thinking that there are not any consequences... Fools! It is all bullshit because we all pay for what we get whether sooner or later.

In the end the fact is that people do find out most of the time that they are/get sick and/or they are/get too old and for sure they are left behind and outside to die forgotten and all alone... Although this is not as if they actually did not see it coming because they did... They do get junked like worthless refuse and rubbish many times amongst themselves in such lifestyle before they do arrive to the end all alone in the lonely junkyards and cemeteries of life.
Of course there are exceptions however I am writing about the majority of the non-committal/easy-street/sponging opportunists.

It is all a good make-as-if show with a padded list of whatever it takes to keep this game on play.

In order to survive with meaning, I myself do have to cut through all the bullshit... There is not any other way!

I am a seeker of Meaning in all exchanges of all Life.

I am writing this because I felt the need to share...

I know that you know that I know.


What you can't see, counts very hard...
So mind the Meaning everywhere and in everyone that you meet, will you?
Because it is good for you.

Meaning is the flavour and foundation of all experience.

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon