Monday 30 January 2012



24th June 2011

The other day I was thinking in terms of an assortment of seemingly friendly, good and nice people – local everyday strangers, distant friends, locally close friends, acquaintances in general, past colleagues and/or co-workers, “club” friends, group friends, pals, etc…
Nothing bad or wrong with any of them however…

Because I had begun an exercise on the value of an assessment of my own presence online for the many years which I have had been (In The US UK Europe France & Brazil Internet) online sharing my Art, my Writings, my Music, some of my Events, etc and in a nutshell actually sharing my Life – My Self !!!


This presence of mine online over the years has disclosed to me that very few of the actual people that I’ve come to know through the years (whether well or just a bit) in the real world were actually “Friends enough, Pals enough & Dignified enough” to approach me online as their very own selves - “Themselves” openly willingly and freely identifying Themselves to me honestly and without hiding behind faked Online Masks…

Still, many exchanges behind masks did occur however unbeknownst to many, I was many times fully aware and knowing exactly who behind the masks, behind the comments, replies, etc…

It is not my business to force people to be good and dignified in their chosen exchanges let alone be my friends…

Very rarely I’ve forged warm, real and true “Friendships” in which the human beings were real and true enough to be openly themselves whether in the real world or online…

I respect other people’s choices to their chosen ways but
I have no illusion about the extent of most people’s ever so small capacity to be real & openly Them-Selves in dignified ways within their exchanges with other human beings and as mutual Friends.

Very rarely another person will actually have your own best interest at heart and stand by you come what may while knowing and trusting that you would equally do the very same for that person.

Mutual Friendship, the kind that it is real and true is a rare commodity these days because most people have been hurt, let-down and basically harmed by their obsolete, biased, prejudiced, disinformation-oriented and bigot Socio-Religio-Politico Conditioning with its absurd men-made Traditions…

People living after what it was planned to them as they are unable to jump off the tracks laid out for them.

The fear...

You consider the Mickey-Mouse Academia of our times which it is bought and paid for by the private interests of Big Businesses hand in hand with Governments and Big Mainstream Religions…

There is no Culture, there is predictable, modified and raped education - “Courses” to specialize you in how to be a Conformist, obedient and professionally well-trained Member of the working class in order to be used, abused and disposed of when you can no longer function and play your stupid & dumb-ass parts.

People have been hurt by poverty in masses and masses all over the globe…

By the imposed Ignorance which keeps Them slaves to Systems which do not have their best interests at heart at all…

So they the people turn against each other, they shut their eyes to the call of their own Meaning…

They self-destroy along the years and without a cause…
Maybe the bad food which they were told it was safe and good…
Maybe the bad water and drinks which they were told were good and healthy.
Maybe the bad medications and the often harmful tests which their Pharmaceuticals with Doctors on their payroll have told them that they were good for them.

A society which lives like animals in a business man farm...
People - Born, bred and slaughtered for whatever it is planned for them.

"From cradle to grave without a freaking clue."

Sad indeed !!!

It could’ve been nicer to have had more real and true friends but it is nobody’s fault…

Problems that we see today have begun long before you and I had arrived in this lifetime and they will most likely still be around long after we have gone.

So for whatever it is worth, be good to yourself, be a good friend to yourself and to other people worthy of your caring and love if you can but don’t be a fool!

Be factually well-informed! Stay capable of Critical Thinking on behalf of your self, of your best interests and of your loved ones.

Societal Foibles And Their Banalities Are Always Expected!


Be Meaningful!
And Remain Honest To Your Self First!

Love & Light,

Sky aka JD Aeon