Monday 30 January 2012




Some people think of themselves as noble and benevolent…

Because they basically spend their most of their time, most of their lives making excuses to themselves in order not to have to deal with their very own hearts and lives…

Instead they justify everything by hiding from themselves by occupying their time and lives intruding, meddling and worrying about the lives and choices of other human beings.
They will say, well it is because of family loyalty or it is because of real love, or it is because of too much caring…

The fact is, it is because they are too coward to look at themselves first and mind their own hearts and lives first instead of minding other people’s.
Can you imagine what an empty life these so-called self-justified caring people must have, the fact that they do not have any caring for the integrity of their own hearts and lives as they are too busy putting their noses into the lives of other people hiding behind their own self-invented pedestal of self-justifications, of self-importance and of unenlightened, stupid self-entitlements without any factually proven merits at all?

Can you imagine to have to live with one of these wilfully ignorant and simple-minded misfits who think highly of themselves as they hide behind and finally lose themselves in their own “Victim, Martyr and Saviour” syndrome.
Jung himself knew it and wrote about it too!

Some think of themselves of defenders of Family, saviours of family, saviours of family members and of course saviours of their own invented version of their family values…
Their world needs their own invented brand of salvation!
Some think of themselves as Martyrs for the sake of Family, of Family members and of Friends, their world needs their invented martyrdom!

Some think of themselves as Victims! They spend all of their lives swimming in their own invented Self-Pity!
They are always too busy picking, finding faults at family, at family members, at friends and at their own world…

Too busy feeling sorry for themselves in order to justify their neglect of their own hearts and lives, in order to justify their coward lives hiding behind their lack of initiative to live their own wishes and dreams while blaming family, family members, friends and their world for all the bad times…

Usually these people think highly of themselves and are certified idiots for thinking that other people/the world owes them this or that…
The world has let them down and owes them their happiness!

All that these people really need to hear is those character building words that nobody had the time to waste on them…

- Hey, nobody gives a TOOT or a HOOT about whether you think of yourself as a Saviour, Martyr or Victim!

Your opinion, your demands, your criticism mean absolutely nothing to anybody else on earth but you!

- So drop any invented, stupid and useless crosses & weights that you may willingly be carrying because you are wasting your time!

- Nobody asked you to be a Saviour!
- Nobody asked you to be a Martyr!
- And nobody expects nor asked you to be a coward playing Victim all of your life so that you can avoid taking accountability for your role in your own life for your choices...

Maybe you want to continue to blame the world, the family, friends and other people for your problems and for your wilful dissatisfaction!

The world does not give a flying pip about you nor your criticisms!
It is so easy to think – Oh I am right or oh I am wrong!
The Passing of Time always proves whichever true! So don't fret, don't worry!
Too many people thinking that their intrusion matters…

It does not! It does not mean anything for other people's lives, because that's their lives and not yours! You've got your life to live and account for!

If You love someone... Go ahead and for Goddess's sake do everybody a great favour and tell that lucky person what it is in your mind, in your heart once and for all! Make it or break it and move on with your life!
If You hate someone...

Drop it, it will only poison and harm you and your life! Stop wasting time with hatred and go hand around with Forgiveness, spend time with Love and try a good dose of Live-and-let-others-live-too! Mind your own business! Stay out of other people's lives!

Get on with your own life and try to be honest to yourself and you will be happy!
Some of us are fiercely free-willed, wise and sane enough to mind our own lives and we are not even remotely interested at all about the rest! LOL

Don't be a Victim! Don't be a Martyr and for goodness' sake please don't be a Saviour!
Be yourself! Be free to be yourself! Drop all the weights and travel lite, it can be a nice journey if you just give it a chance...

Love & Light,

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon


Had been reading my old notations on Jung's...
The Martyr, Saviour & Victim Cycle Dynamics bit jumped right out at me...
Because I had basically written a short essay on it years ago...
At the time I had been impressed by his perception and writings covering "Anima, Animus, the Shadow, the Old Wise Woman and the Old Wise Man..."

The Great Rite wants and needs always an Altar that is Mutual so as to turn acts of love into sacred rites to the Ancient Ones.
Before all of that, one must get rid of the "Martyr, Saviour and Victim" syndrome usually caught in the cultural poverty of the masses oppressed, repressed and pressed hard under the socio-religio and politico brainwashing of their times.

I thought...

Jung knew that the invented Guilt of the World must be undone however one needs to shed one's fears before one can own one's own eyes to really and truly see.

Ergo, the advice of Jung under the lens of my own arranged rendition thereof, this article for you all.


"Acceptance for all people" is very difficult because in general most people are brainwashed to hate all Differences in themselves, in other people and in everything and from cradle to grave.

Blaming others, avoidance and anything to refrain from "Living in full" works because the first duty of any live Organism is to Survival ergo Defence becomes the Big Order of the day when dealing with other people and everything else!

Justifications are lame and usually for people who have none worth anything at all!

Fear only knows how to hurt and it is also human!

But good common sense and a tiny little bit of intelligence coupled with wisdom will always tell us all to get it over it and to brave our storms so that we may win the day!

The past has a wealth of precedents to teach us however the past is not a place where to hide from the present!

Forgiveness is beautiful but forgiveness starts with oneself! And in most cases, it does not work because people cannot forgive anybody else on earth if they fail to forgive themselves individually first!

At the end of the day, it was a huge Shadow of a tiny toy soldier making everybody scared until somebody dared to become a Light of their own and to vanquish the darkness and to see what it is really there.

Jung was a genius!
The Mutual Union/Marriage between the Lower and the Higher Self is what the doctor calls for a happy lifetime.

What does it prevent from happen?

The Fear posed by our Shadow, nobody wants to meet the Old Wise Woman and the Old Wise Man - By nature, People fear Death as much as they fear Life-Herself!

The Challenge created by the Emergence of Expression of our Anima & Animus...

Collectively - Everybody shows off to be brave and think highly of themselves! No challenge there at all!
It is all for show, for display only!

Individually - Everybody has to deal with Themselves alone and they have to look at themselves and see whom they really are!

Most people are afraid to face their shadows and make friends with in order to unite all pairs of opposites within and achieve the Great Rite within, the Union of all, the Individuation which renders us whole and Owners of our Eyes, of our Thinking, of our collective and individual Destinies!

Let's face it, not many people will brave their own shadow in this lifetime!
They will run like hell from it from cradle to grave and that it is why we have all the mess, all the looting, all the wars, all the baddies...

It is a work for Evolution indeed! That it is why I wrote elsewhere, Evolution comes to everyone sooner or later!
Because it does and that is good news for us all who happen to care for this beautiful Lady called our Planet Earth and all her Children...

Behaving has been erased off the blackboard...
The new order is Chaos first. As for Order, well, order only later after you've mastered well your own chaos first!

It sounds so simple but it is not at all... Not when our society layers it with fear, hatred for all differences and a primitive, stupid mania / penchant for being "Coward" and Destructive/harmful/toxic to each other and to other species!

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