Monday 30 January 2012



Organic Foods & Drinks – Part 1
November 2009

I've seen a very informative and quite interesting film/documentary - "Food Inc." !

This film called "Food Inc." that I've recently rented it from the local video shop...
If you've seen it too, do share your reaction on this film.

It is to no surprise to me to find out that our food industry abuses animals, abuses its workers and the final product offered for the consumer is dirty and simply bad for you and I and for anybody's well-being.

Farms have become factories and farm workers have become underpaid, gagged slaves without any rights or benefits.

From huge monopoly games to control the majority of what it is sold in the supermarkets and other big stores, to lobbying governments and passing self-serving/harmful and ignorant mandates/laws to keep their workers, (the people harmed by their products) and the people in general from exposing them, from making it public how they raise the farm animals, how they have no respect for animals of any kind including human beings, how they do all they can to hide from us all their bad business practices, to keep the people from suing these corporate criminals for bad food, for the poisoning and killing innocent consumers...
Good people who purchased and ate their products in good faith and without knowing that it was fraught with traces of unsafe/harmful chemicals, free radicals of radiation from irradiation processes, harmful traces of animals faeces/excrements and decayed parts, et ad nauseum...

And of course harmful bacteria galore, the type that can kill human beings like you and I!

This film "Food Inc." does open a window on what goes on behind the scenes and it shows and tells you how bad the public, the consumer, the people are being cheated, harmed and "abused" hard by these corporations who monopolize the meats, the vegetables and almost everything that you can purchase in a supermarket...

It is sad that greedy, selfish, mediocre, worthless, toxic and harmful human beings have been allowed to pull this make-as-if "It's good for you" clever show upon the population when the real fact is, it is really and truly bad for you.

For many years I have known about the enormous amount of food products containing tiny amounts of unsafe/harmful chemicals added to them alike as for instance:

In many "US made for US consumption" brand names Cereals either in the cereal itself or laced in the packaging thereof, also in most chewing gums, candies, cakes, deserts, etc...

They all list BHT & BHA ( Butylated Hydroxy Tuluene & Butylated Hydroxy Anisole) long known here and abroad as unsafe/harmful anti oxidants which can cause liver damage and various types of cancers in lab mice...

There are hundreds of unsafe/harmful chemicals added to many of the processed foods, meats, drinks, vegetables and fruits sold in the US.
Many of these unsafe/harmful chemicals have been long banned abroad but not in the US.

Suggested books:

"Safe Food" - Michael F Jacobson, Lisa Ylefferts, Ann Witte Garland

"Shopper's Guide To Natural Foods" - By the Editors of East West Journal.

"What's In My Food?" - By Xandria Williams

"Microbiotics and Beyond" - By Marcea Weber

"Nutritional Outline for the Professional and the Wise Man" - By Phyllis A Balch

Years ago I also had found out that you could not trust the regular white sugar for being/becoming unsafe and harmful so I switched to Natural Turbinado Sugar and then it happened to the regular salt...

It became unsafe/harmful with all the cheapest and unnecessary added rubbish... So I had again to switch to natural sea salt...

Then it came the issue with the cheap and unsafe filtration of alcoholic beverages made in the US which leaves traces of urethane in the final product...

(Urethane is known to be unsafe/harmful and it does cause cancer in the pancreas, liver and sexual organs.)

Traces of Urethane (Foam) present in products like US made beers, etc...
So, again I switched to imported beers/wines as abroad they do use a superior and more expensive porcelain/filtration processes which do not leave any traces of urethane in any of the alcoholic beverages...

After seeing this film - Food, Inc... It is clear that "Organic" is the way to choose...

But be careful with the corporate bastards who will try to sell you the same rubbish except with a different label which reads "Organic"!
I hope that if/when that happens, many lawsuits will be won by the people against these horrifying, monster corporations in the US.

In the end of the day, there are not any guarantees in life, we all must die, we all must pass in one way or the other, sooner or later...
But it sure feels good to try our best to enjoy Life but also to respect our own selves, our state of grace of being healthy and well...
By paying attention to what we consume, by reading the food labels, by keeping our selves well-informed, well-educated and wise about what we feed ourselves and ours.

It feels good to care, to be at peace with oneself and to respect one's own well-being.

The corporate criminals who run these big companies, they do not care about you and I, they only care about Money...
That it is, their own Money and their own best interests.

They've made a mess and they should clean it too!

So if you can, watch "Food Inc." and good luck making it right for yourself and for yours!


I've never mentioned the "Water" but for many years one's best choice is a good filtration system at the main valve which feeds all the water to one's own home and to have that filter maintained and replaced every year.
There is too much in the general drinking water...
From tiny traces of various medicines and other chemicals to downright very poisonous substances...
It is quite sad and it has been so for many years...

The "Bottled Water" has too many silent/repressed issues which most people don't know about as with being bottled in cheap plastic bottles which makes that water bad by releasing unsafe/harmful chemicals off the plastic into the water for drinking if plastic is exposed to changes in temperature like heat like summer's heat in the back of delivery trucks or the majority of the non-air-conditioned warehouses where it is stored before it is sent to the supermarkets, etc...

Many of these Bottled Water Companies/Factories have been basically filling up their bottles to sell with plain and regular water from faucet, from their local city water and passing it as superior, clean. natural and mountain water, etc...
And people paying for either plain bottled water or plain filtered and bottled water...

My way of dealing with water is a good filtration! It always works if we take care of it and replace the filters as recommended.

Love and Light,

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon