Monday 30 January 2012


21 July 2010

As an Astrologer myself, I disagree with all of the ancient and modern debunkers of Astrology.

Astrology does work whether anybody on earth may choose to agree or to disagree with such!

In fact, it matters not at all!

Astrology has been around for a long time and in fact much longer than anybody in our times and it will be around much longer than all of us.
I am particularly fond of Horary Astrology, Uranian Astrology and Mundane Astrology.

For those who do not wish to believe in whatever it be may be, there will never ever be enough convincing fact and/or proof for satisfying them and their pre-disposed and pre-decided/made-up minds against whatever it may be!

Ergo for me to simply pour my fuel on this deliciously fire-lit bonfire of an issue and go on a long and tiresome tirade about why and how Astrology works and it is as good as any other Sciences, etc...
It would be a waste of time, actually very foolish indeed.

People, whatever they fancy to side with, if it feels right for them... They should go with it for a while... Well it is a part of "where they are at this time" and what they need for now so as their chosen reality makes sense for them.

For starters, most people's values/traditions/religions and their politically corrected mythologies would be deemed worthless rubbish if put under the same dubious, unfair, biased and bigoted microscopic lens which debunkers commonly employ when doing their nasty thing whether for erroneous religious zeal or for corrupt/greedy governments and their stupid exaggerations of private-agendas-driven nationalism.

I respect anybody's right to their own opinion of Astrology and their right to side with other people's views/opinions as well...
However for myself I prefer my own as an Astrologer myself, I do believe, trust and employ Astrology successfully and such suffices for me!

Articles which set out to criticize Astrology sort of remind me of the mindless rubbish which mainstream religions and governments have been playing lately in this glorious year of 2010 when actually getting a world famous Scientist to tell the World "to stay away from Aliens from outer space", from other worlds, not to befriend Them... LOL

Do "Not" to contact them and do "Not" to be friendly with Them...

Hey... But don't you worry because at the same breath he is also saying present Academia/Sciences are sure that they do not exist, mind you, they're "probable" but not provable nor possible...

So just in case that you are lost in this silly double, triple entendre, a proverbial snow-job for the simple-minded, do stay away from space aliens, ok!
That is/was the ridiculous message from a well-known scientist…
Then just the other week, another equally uninformed, unenlightened and dumb-ass tirade on "Crop Circles" all over the mainstream news...

As if Crop Circles were all made-up by human beings and they just began to happen around 1970's...

The fact, well... Crop circles, the real ones could've never ever been reproduced by human beings for many reasons and they have been around since very ancient times...

Hiding behind Academia that has been blatantly raped, paid-for and bought by private interests of a minority elite of unenlightened dumb-ass souls does not impress me at all and nor should it impress anybody who is wise enough to be capable of critical thinking and questioning the sorry bunch of academic puppets who roll over on call like puppies for mainstream religions and the governments who bed them...

It makes me laugh because if the minority elite is in fact that desperate and worried...

Hey! Then there are, there must be "good reasons" for such!!!
You know something...

People just don't go around funding Misinformation
Campaigns for nothing!

In my own view...
Ah this show will become a lot more interesting in years to come.

Forget about debunking Astrology, hell we've got UFOs, Aliens and Crop Circles coming out of nowhere!!!
Watch out! LOL

I just love it! It is interesting and great entertainment at once!

Love and Light

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon