Monday 30 January 2012



It is more important to feel beautiful, worth and equally valuable first.
Our cosmetically inclined and aesthetically qualifying senses, ah it feels good to be Alive, to be in the flesh when our Life is in harmony with us and we are equally in harmony and in peace with our own selves and with Life/Mother Nature Herself in all of us and in all that exists.

I think that "Beauty is in the very Eyes of any Beholder" and it changes from person to person...

The laws and principles determining the Beautiful in Nature, Art and Taste do change as they do not escape the passing of Time and the Changes that we and everything are made out of.

Aesthetics meets cosmetics and so what?

They both must also meet Common Sense... Because in the end of the proverbial day, they all do bow down to Changes that none of us can avoid nor stop, chiefly if we are to partake in full and whole-heartedly in the great Dance of Life.

We must get to know our very own Selves first before we attempt to re-shape our lives, our bodies and our expressions to all of our natural inclinations, wishes and desires.
Nothing happens in vain.
There are reasons behind the reasons, behind the reasons as it is impossible for anybody to make sense of one single Lifetime without the benefit of the wisdom and full knowledge of the contents of all the other lifetimes that we all own.

If we blindly set out to please our own senses and our flesh without making any provisions to attend to our own depths, our truest values, the very core of our own true Self...
Then we will surely live empty lives, we will be shallow and we will feel that we are MISSING something that we cannot quite find or figure out...
That special SOMETHING is our own true will, our very SOUL, our depth, our brave honesty to our own Self... It is actually our inside "Beauty", the true Value that We each individually place upon our own Self!

Do you value yourself, do you value what you are and whom you are?

No, no, no! Forget about whether you are rich or poor, forget about other people and their so called opinions of you and their judgments upon your looks!
What I mean is only you, yourself and whether You alone do value yourself regardless of all your problems and regardless of all of the other people and their arrogant opinions/judgments of you...
Do you?
I do!
Our value of our own selves individually is our own inside Beauty and also our very expression of our own outside Meaning!

The best looks on earth will never ever be good enough to always hide our own Value of our own Selves individually!
Faked facades, stages, roles and the costumes thereof, they all do break/fall apart and that happens so easily!
How much we value our own selves can make or break us and our gift to be beautiful, to be felt as beautiful "inside and out".
We can easily be and/or become People who otherwise would be beautiful people but whose insides are rotten and ugly by/for the lack of love for themselves, by/for the lack of respect and trust in themselves.

It is not cool to be cool if it means that you have to abuse and destroy your own self!

If we are attempting to live our lives according to the crowd's expectations, it can be a challenge to live in peace and harmony with the very Nature of our own selves and equally difficult to be in peace and harmony with our own selves and with Whom we really are from cradle to grave.

A cosmetically, aesthetically beautiful human being also needs a brave and true heart to express what that person really feels natural and right with/for oneself freely and equally to meaningful others!

Beauty always begins with our own selves within and then it manifests itself outside of us.
It also helps to have the type of Security and Trust in our own selves and also in Whom we really are and in/for What we truly want for ourselves, the sort of Security and Trust that come from within...

True that some of us get more attention and more often than others...

True that some of us are considered more beautiful and more attractive by the majority of all people yet perfection lacks completion and vice-versa...

We all are a Quantum sparkles yet not everybody knows the "All" that Mother Nature Herself has placed on each and very one of us all individually, within our hearts and bodies!

Some of us have braved to own our souls and bodies all the way and we follow our own hearts and wishes wherever they may take us to as long as we are happy, content and in harmony, in balance with our own selves!

The "To be masculine and/or to be feminine" part of life will always vary from person to person, from location to location on earth...

"People can only be/become in full that what they are allowed to know that they are." (Whether it is a matter of others allowing or one allowing oneself to the natural freedom to know, it varies...But it is always a matter of knowing and whether one can brave to put that knowledge where it belongs, in/to experience!)

In the end...
Appearances, the glamour of being attractive and desirable to another Human Being is a wonderful gift that belongs to all people regardless of beauty and ugliness because eyes are always born different equally as hearts and there will always be enough eyes and hearts out there in the world and everywhere to find the beauty, the mystery, the heart of each and every one of us beautiful, attractive and desirable.

We all are different...

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon