Monday 30 January 2012



Flying sparrow..

- Do Fly And Soar!

The desire of flying and soaring is always present within every soul who seeks the deepest depth.

Been well and presently everything is still o.k. as it has always been but it could well be so much better too!!!

We all get so caught up in the whirlwind pools of our own unfolding lives and all the strings which come along with every decision and every happening.

Ah sometimes we all dream of loosening and losing all the knots and once untied to spin free like a top and clear away from all the freaking strings.

But no such hope ever...

Because it all is tied together, everything and everyone are connected, we all are connected and tied together by the Universe and Circumstances beyond our human controls, the fact is that there is no spinning free until we pass away and die to this reality level.

The strings of our works always remain to create other strings and so it is with all, everything and everyone.

If only we could, we would be free! Inter-independence is all we have as a collective pool of consciousness...

Very few human beings rise to full individuation and employ such as headlights for other people.

We human beings, we are good at putting things away when we cannot deal with them much like we do when we put somebody's picture away because it went from being a source of happiness to a well of sadness and sorrow.

We are funny, we are human beings and we are just learning that no matter where we are, no matter whom we are, we all are works-in-progress and we are never ever free from the strings of our pre-natal scripts, our individual soul's choices for each lifetime that we dare to undertake anywhere in the Universe.

Maybe by now you surrender to your safe and tried after your own societal conditioning and you would rather think I am going barmy but deep inside somewhere I know that you know my light and also the needed darkness that justifies and allows its very existence.

I think it may well all be a lot like the great Films upon the silver screens of the Creatress, the Goddesses and all the Ancient Gods...

A place where we are the very shining stars as the actors and actresses of our own chosen roles as Shakespeare had himself figured many years ago after having delved himself into the Ancient Arts & Sciences of his own time right on the lesser travelled paths.

Tumbling on and rolling with all the changes...

We all keep on moving because we cannot stop and the best we can do is to explore every thing that might seem real and possible until we find the right door and ergo the peace of realization...

Until our satisfaction quickly gets up one fine day and moves away again somewhere else so that we may continue our search for experience, so that we may grow.

Our best expression is always our own selves as we change on and on while progressing in the ladder of our experiences.

Life, I adore Her and She is such delicious Mystery.

Many blessings to you all and of course plenty of love too!

Love and Light,

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon