Monday 30 January 2012



I had tears on my eyes as I recently saw a picture of one of the OCCUPY MOVEMENT/PROTEST members - poor dear! She seemed battered, abused and hurt...

And I felt bad for her and for all of the other people there and elsewhere who may have shared her fate in all the protests all around the US and equally Abroad.

My own personal opinion of Peaceful Protests after/a la 1950s, 1960s, 1970s style, pomp and circumstance is one which does not fully believe in any good/positive and long-lasting results emerging from them because this is not 1960s nor the 1970s and the real Corporate Criminals of the world, I mean the 1% Minority Elite behind all the created problems of the world chiefly the rampant and shameful Looting on the Working-Class, the abuse of the Poor and the nasty Promoters of the hatred, ignorance upon the wilful stupidity of the majority of the people of the world, born to be conned out of their free-will and off and out of their capacity to exercise critical thinking on behalf of themselves and their best interests...

These people won't even be mentioned let alone be worried or disturbed by all of this old noise from the past attempting to regain meaningful momentum in the present...

Those people funding the OCCUPY MOVEMENT could get their Wealth / Moneys better served by investing them in a World Publicity Campaign to deliberately attempt to open the population and general public's perception to the real "Human Beings pushing all the proverbial Buttons behind the world scene"...

Publish names, addresses and in short whom they are, their families and relatives and what they have been doing which affects World Economy, The Working Class, etc...
I mean a huge Campaign much like most nasty Politicians are so used to do at Elections Time...
Radio/Television - Radio/Television Spots all around the globe, analogue newspapers headlines/articles, internet spots on major networks and email campaigns targeting the whole population all over...

If the goal is to INFORM PEOPLE, such will be accomplished because as long as there is money to be made, to be paid, somebody will render the services as commerce always win...
It is the number one dynamics of winning and achieving success against any odds when it comes to people and their public opinions and their approval.

Don't forget Mainstream Religions will butt in via Corporate Criminals behind them in order to sway population, the public pulse however the people of the world in general, they respond better to Commerce than they do to religion in our times and this is a good sign that the good old primitive RUBBISH of the past does not stick as good anymore...

Besides with all the scandals within mainstream religions, it has become easy the job to display how meaningless they are and whatever they have to say is self-serving rubbish anyway...

But let's grant & assume that the World Occupy Movement/Protest does succeed in full in attaining their task to inform the world of what is wrong and where it all is truly coming from...

So what?

The majority of the people have not been educated nor trained to exercise effective Critical Thinking On their own immediate personal Behalf, let alone on behalf of all of their own best interests and those of others...

Because they do not have the informational education/culture to allow them such a virtue/blessing...

If you went to a cradle and offered a 1 year old child, a huge bag filled up with 5 million British Pounds in cash/currency and also you took hours to patiently explain how that wealth can help and assist that one year old child...

It would be nice, it would seem very good for a minute of two on the eyes of others and I will grant that it may even feel rather...

Very dignified as far as intentions and good will, etc...
But back to the practical Logics of Reality, the child is not old enough to manage the gift being offered...

Ergo the true people who will benefit from all of that money and wealth are the Parents of that child
(Not mentioned/Behind the Scenes/No Accountability) who will manage all of that money/wealth for themselves and a (long & big Maybe) manage all of that money for the good/best interests/benefit of the child...
Which would remain to be seen...

But it would be forgotten by the time the child grew old enough to attempt to claim any of that money anyway...
So at the end of the day...

It is extremely obvious!

To me, it is always something...
But in fact nobody knows for sure if/when it is the so-called Answer!

Do I wish to join the Occupy Movement?

My reply is No!

Do I wish well to the Movement?

Yes, I do wish it well chiefly if it for peaceful education of the masses against ignorance and in favour of wisdom, of the exercise of critical thinking by the people and for the people.

But facts are facts!
Case closed!

Blessed be!

Love & Light,

Sky aka JD Aeon


Time-the passing of time may prove what it is real and what it is not!
I trust time that way because it never fails, it never lies and it is never wrong!
Nobody needs To Join Any Groups or Movements-Protests in order to find out and to know that the Economy is not well, that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer...
"Bankers to blame" is as old news and as generic as it is meaningless since even the White House has pointed their fingers to the Bankers...
Nothing new there neither...
The real news is no names of the top shareholders of these so-called banks are ever published with real information as to whom they are and where they live, etc...
So it is just like always Non-Effective stuff which only goes so far and preying on the emotional buttons of people to curry sympathy and approval, again, it is old and it only goes so far...
The Movement-Protest just like any other also brings about Anti-Feelings against Police and Law-Enforcement in general which again is expected and nothing new because it is the nature of such demonstrations and some will get hurt, some will get arrested , etc...
We have precedents from 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and etc...
They all brought out the true colours of Law Enforcement and Police all over the world including in the US...
Nothing new, old stuff indeed!
The hunger, the homeless, the unemployment, the poverty...
Again nothing new, old as hell!
By the way, I also agree that the situation is bad for the working class and the poor and the needy!
Where is the concrete, practical, benign and Effective Results of the Campaigns, Movements-Protests like this one?
Facts are facts and it is hard to argue against results whether good ones or bad ones or the lack thereof!

Facts are Facts and the World Occupy Movement-Protest has NOT been effective at all so far and the only question is whether such it is On Purpose or not???

That information could point as to whom it is funding the whole thing!

Results is what we all work for and it is what everything we all do is all about and depending upon Who is funding the show, we get the full picture of what it is really being sought here, what is this show all about...

Why to fund something which will not work unless if the intent is really not to obtain any results at all but just political manoeuvre, political fodder either for or against this or that political party or whomever political causes, etc...

We all have our own opinions and views and yes we all may and at times we actually will disagree and that it is fine by me!

Time will take care of it as it always does.

Don't get me wrong! I want to make it clear that I am NOT against Anything!

Hell, I think that whatever it is that people believe to be right and true...
And well, for as long as people are not harming themselves nor other people...

And for as long as people feel that way, people should go with it and follow their own hearts and best judgment!

Most people know that Trust is not something you can place upon Businesses, Religions and Governments...

Trust must always be reserved for family, for close loved ones and for dear friends!
Again just plain common sense and facts.



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