Friday 19 October 2012




A friend had recently called to tell me she had been reading Paulo Coelho’s book called The Alchemist…

She had told me that she had been impressed by the fact how the book’s simplistic however interesting story had made her think of how there is actually a price to pay for each and every wish which is allowed to come true.

She had even mentioned, good thing that the book sort of inspired her to clearly realize the implied but not expressed fact of all life, that depending upon what a person may wish for in life, that person may be also equally called to part with many things and people which are a meaningful part of that person’s life and which such a person may not be ready to part with.

After having listened to her reactions…
I began to tell her about the Virtues and Lessons of Loss.
Most people hide behind Loss for most of their lives!

Behind the possibility of Loss hides most of people’s true individual identities, most of their best wishes, most of their truest potentials in life…
Loss and the possibility of Loss become the seemingly virtuous motivation and powerful excuse Not To Live One’s Own Wishes, Not To Be One’s truest Identity along with all Changes/Evolutions thereof…

The Woman who quits Her own Heart, Her best Wishes, Her Happiness/Fun & Truest Identity in favour to stay home to be a Mother to raise her children…
The Wife who looks to the other way in order to keep her marriage, in order to keep her husband even though her husband has been cheating on her…
The Daughter who quits her own best wishes, lets go her truest identity, her highest potentials in life just in order to work for the sake of supporting her old and poor parents or brothers…

Behind it all the excuse of Loss, the fear of Loss…

One might argue the initial intention can be noble and good as it can be at times but one's own integrity to oneself, one's sovereignty should come first at all times because before we can help anybody else on earth we must first learn to help our own selves first...
At first sight, most people would see nothing wrong with some "Well-meant Sacrifice" as if a bit of Martyrdom, Suffering were Healthy & Good for all people…
Reality is, if we do not pay attention we can easily slip down into the sink hole and down the pipes of waste with the rest of the refuse from victim to martyr and next jumping right on the role of saviour…
Excuses, nothing but freaking coward hearts attempting to reason, trying to justify to themselves and to others about their own absence & lack of/from being honest & true to their best wishes, to themselves…
Their absence & lack of/from living their own lives which instead they live in the shadows of other people’s lives, hiding themselves and their hearts behind the emergence of the lives of others…
Whether victim, martyr and/or saviour, it is all the same! It is only fear! It is being extremely coward to oneself, too coward to live one’s wishes and just a way to excuse oneself from living one’s own life in full.
What is the merit of Sacrifice which despite all the tooted and touted bravery, goodness, love and caring which it bestows upon other people however still empty of all of that same good stuff for oneself, none of that to one’s own very self.
What kind of life is that?
Moronic, empty and extremely stupid!
There is no virtue in to being a coward onto oneself and onto one’s own precious Life.
Our society needs to grow up and rethink its myths and its mainstream invented-and-taught codes of values and behaviour.
Our learned-and-taught reactions are pathetic and must evolve beyond he infantile cock and bull stories of personified good and bad battles...

There is no glory, no grace nor any virtue in ignorance, poverty, in suffering, in fear, in servitude and in sacrifice!
WE are here TO LIVE and in full, hopefully!!!
And “Not” to simply watch others live, and “Not” to meaninglessly seem to live like others live.

When I was still a child my mental friends back then, they had told me that when I would move to the US and marry an American Girl at the age 21.
Family easily forgets and disregards the seemingly mad ranting of a five year old child…
Eight years went by but the time I had become 13 years old, I had questioned myself the possible loss of everybody and everything dear to me chiefly if it were to become really true that I would move to the US, marry and live there at 21, only eight years away then.
And the answer came to me…

Loss (much like Death and any The End) is a temporary illusion of the realms of the flesh.

People and things have a reason and a meaning of their own and the integrity of their own value, ways and existence which abide in their bravery to be and to remain true to themselves first.
The pains of Loss diminish when we seek the eyes that can see beyond the flesh, the material realms.

I am not going to excuse myself from meaningful experience behind the fear of loss and nor should you or anybody else on earth!

The temporary illusion of the passing of time, the temporary illusion of “The End” are all very necessary in the flesh/material realms in order for Evolution to teach the truest Meaning Of Life/Existence to the eternal/immortal Sparks of Light/Fire from the very source of all Creation which are "us" and equally all "species" in all universes here and beyond…
The Creatress Goddess is the Mother of us all and I do love her forever! There is no loss for the Goddess! There never was!

Why loss then?
- We’ve made it all up while we were & are still primitive enough not to understand the hands/dynamics/virtues of Transformation, Evolution and the Changes that all life is made out of.

People will say - But there are sad emotions which are a common part of any Life in the Flesh...
There is definite death and absolute endings here in the material world.
Yes! I agree if people are speaking solely from the perspective of one single lifetime, from the perspective of the temporary journeys we undertake in the flesh...
But everything is atoms, everything is vibrations, everything is wavelengths...

Nothing really is what it seems to be to our eyes and senses!
Our so-called Emotions are not all ours, they are Water, they belong to the Elementals...
We are not our bodies, we are much more than our temporary flesh! We all are much more than our temporary emotions, genders and preferences...
Our mineral vision & senses of what is and what is not, chiefly while we are in the flesh, they are illusion and belong to the four elements - Water, Earth, Air and Fire...

We are closer to Fire because as souls we are Sparks of Light from the Creatress.

Love & Light,

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon  

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