Friday 19 October 2012

Some Magick Cannot Work, Some Cannot Be Undone - Revised

Some Magick Cannot Work, Some Cannot Be Undone - Revised

I would like to share that there are spells which cannot be "broken" nor "called back"...
There are spells which are not allowed to work no matter what or who do them.

In my own experience... Calling the Wyrd (Calling the full Sum of a person's actions & being upon such a person) cannot be called back once is called.

Also in order for a Pagan witch, a Pagan-Wiccan Priestess and/or Priest to call somebody's Wyrd, first they must call their own and be in a state of grace about all their actions and being who they are and as they are.

In other words, it is the duty of any witch worth her/his salt to be able to call her/his own Wyrd once a year to keep things even and to keep one's life clean and heading according to prenatal choices made by our souls who are wiser than our in the flesh persona.

Jung calls for a union of Higher and Lower selves...

In other words, from our Soul essence and its Wisdom to its tiny sparkle of Light which temporarily comes to reside in the flesh in order to experience these primitive time zones and worlds of matter throughout the infinite many worlds/realms, universes and cosmos.

Such union has been also written about in alchemy as the sacred marriage, the finding of the philosopher's stone, the art of creating the gold of life.

In Pagan Wicca/Witchcraft, it is the Third Degree, the Initiation of all opposites within becoming united as one, the full physical and spiritual Individuation of a human being.

The dealing with the forces of the Wyrd - the Sum of all of one's actions here and from other time-zones/lifetimes always come to play into the dynamics of everything that we are and do.

Some people have written and rightfully so that the greatest battle of all is not against other people but actually simply against our own selves individually.


Because We all come to these short and temporary time-zones and lifetimes in worlds/realms of matter...And we all make Plans.

But our Souls watching over all of our lifetimes/time-zones, etc...

Our individual souls always make Decisions via the sacred Fates, in order words, through Circumstances beyond our human controls...
The Circumstances make real Decisions!

It is wise to find a way to be in harmony and peace with our own Circumstances, it is befriending the Fates, the Graces...

As in being a state of grace with oneself and with the Ancient Ones!

All of this brings me back to the starting line, the point that certain spells cannot ever be broken nor overcome once they have been done/sent.

Some spells, I do not care who's the powerful or weak witch, such never mattered at all! Some spells will never be allowed to work (regardless whether one's working with Elementals, Spirits of the Dead, Raw Earth or other realms Energies/Gods/Goddesses and/or Beings from other Realms/Times...

Because they (the spells) simply do not have neither the Wisdom nor the True-Will/sacred intent of the Individual Souls (Their Chosen Destinies/Experiences for the specific Lifetimes/Time-zones) at issue taken into consideration first.

That it is the reason why you do not see bad/nasty world Leaders/Dictators from past, present and/or future being stopped short from doing their primitive and harmful thing to the abused and suffered masses of world populations of all times and places...

There are always limitations which arise from the lack of Wisdom and Higher Guidance & Harmony!

Also take into consideration that when the proverbial bad guys & bad girls do their bad thing, it is only because they were allowed to...first of all!

And always (I mean no exceptions ever and I mean Ever) they will only affect those people whom they are "\Allowed" to affect by "Circumstances Beyond Human Controls coming out of nowhere and everywhere, in other words the Sacred Fates, those souls' own prenatal choices!

And Choices which make sense while you're enlightened and pampered by your own Light in the centre of your own soul, aware of all your lifetimes choices past, present and future, aware of your own eternity...

Once you enter the flesh, you're on your own, your awareness of it all is temporary blocked off your reach!

Now, you're in for surprises, that idea that you had to find out what it feels like a life of poverty may not be all right at all... That choice of finding out what it feels like to exit by fire may be painful, that other choice of being blown up by explosion may be a little too much...

The whole damn thing may seem or actually have the tragic feel, a Tragedy, too much drama, horrible to you and to all those buddies of yours who had chosen to come to watch...

Once you are alone inside the fragile guise of a short incarnation as in your own body, the world of structure will bear upon you, your feelings and the influence you of the four Elements will make you realize it is different ball game once you are here.

That it is why...
There is no Evil, There is no Good! It is all Choices and Evolution, my friends! That's all! We've made it all up...

Words, labels, attempts to reason and squeal out of choices we've made before entering the show.
Case closed! Next...
Anyway, I just wanted to share this wee bit.

Love and Light,

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon


"Absolute surety is quite absurd"...

It has been postulated before chiefly because/due to this reality/our senses and everything that exist, actually being in an existence made out of changes...

Not meant nor intended as an imposition nor determinant to anybody! Let everyone test their personal boundaries, the limitations they have protected themselves with from their Higher Selves, their Awareness and find what they are able to handle for this point in/of their own Evolution.

There is No Competition at all! No eternal Loss, none! Nor any eternal Winning neither, none! Just only Eternal Light mastering Experience of its own Gift of Life, its Existence made out of eternal Changes.

Having said that...

Yes, I am 100% sure! I visited my own Mum before I was born along with my younger brothers! And my Mum did hear and see us during that visit.

As I grew up, I slowly began to remember or rather become aware of more and more and more and more...

I have lived most of my words many, many times before!

Sky aka JDAeon

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