Friday 19 October 2012



This past weekend a good friend had been searching for Paulo Coelho’s works online and I had suggested for her to look for PC’s books on
To sport my suggestion on the spot she directed a search on Amazon and ended up purchasing a few books.
During her process of choosing the books, we both had watched a short video description of PC’s most recent book which he calls ALEPH.
He briefly describes the book to be about his own journeys a few years ago a time when he (despite all that his experience, expertise and actually all that he knows) had undergone a Crisis Of Belief (Faith) in God (Supreme Being).

After that I felt somehow inspired to write something about the many times in each and every life which we all have to find our own temporary “Crises Of Belief” and survive the scourge of our temporary and elemental Flesh in order to remind us of our own Integrity to our own Selves and our Soul Wisdom.

Sort of reminding us that in fact we all (no exceptions whether human beings or other species) are much more than this tiny, temporary present existence and awareness that we are so fond of and/or so concerned about at this moment…

We all have come across those deemed-bad moments in life when absolutely None of our cemented-by-the-years, usual & reliable Ways seem to function at all and chiefly in the manner that we much need them to.

Whether you are highly spiritual as a priest, a priestess, a shaman, a witch or simply a mainstream person who believes in his/her mythology of choice for his/her religion of practice…
It happens to all of us.
It is a part of life.

I always suspect the actual reasons for any Crisis of Belief of any sort…To be the true Culprits as to why whatever it is, it is not working as it used to, not at this time around.
At times, you will hear people boasting with pride to themselves on saying something like this:

– Boy, he/she was having problems being happy, but look at all his/her wealth, his/her great success and fame!!!
- Boy, if he/she would have to live my life for a day, for a week, for a month or for a year, he/she would be long dead!
- You think that you’ve got problems! Hah! Wait until you get a load of mine! You have no idea how lucky and blessed you really are! Yes, you little(big) spoiled human being! LOL

People seem to forget the fact that each problem poses its own meaningful weight to each & every person in the same way however the key to every problem has always been how we human beings choose to react to it…

Most people react to anything in life with their main reaction heavily based upon what they have been programmed by their socio/religio & politico conditioning of their own immediate peers and society in general!
Some people via their lifetime search for Freedom with Wisdom whether consciously or not, they will get to live that “Freedom with Wisdom” which they seek and in their actual reactions to their problems by being able to react in ways independent/free and autonomous of all his peers and society in general.

Either ways…
A crisis of Belief in the Supreme Being (Some prefer to call God but I myself much prefer to call Goddess! Some prefer God in the Singular… I myself much prefer Creatress Goddess in the Singular but definitely with all of Her created Gods & Goddesses very much in the Plural and very Eclectic too!

A crisis of belief depends very much upon what each person values individually mainly. Secondarily, it depends upon what each person values collectively as well.
And whether the Meaning remains true to its promise and definition.
A crisis of belief is always a part of a Matter of Trust, in part upon oneself and also of course in part upon either another person or upon one’s Belief, upon one’s God/Goddess.

At times our Belief in Traditions, Religions and Technology fail and betray our Trust… Chiefly when we sustain personal damages of some form for such failure/betrayal.
Agreements with Other People, agreements with machines, agreements with chemistry and math do not always remain reliable forever because no matter how or what – the highest reality (above all perceived realities) is always “Change”.

At times in life, we simply find it all too boring and too meaningless because our awareness of the scope of our allowed experience for the time being has become a proverbial merry-go-round of the same predictable people, things and their events & emergencies which we know all too well…

However when the so-called Unforeseen arrives to us suddenly, it always hits us where it counts most, touching our ways, our hearts, our values, our wishes, our plans and in short, actually changing our lives, breaking us or re-making us all over again…

We invariably complain, we call God/Goddess!

Some meditate.
Some choose to enlist the assistance of the dead or of the elementals, or of other beings/species from other realms, or of the ancient Gods and Goddesses seeking Real Magick to end the crisis by solving whatever problems are causing it…

Some quit other people, some quit their own selves, some quit Life or make a good effort to try to end it…

The problems can be many and in a variety of perceived realities, levels and ways…

Having to face one’s own chosen pre-natal script or one’s own mortality/parting with the flesh can be a challenge…

You will hear things as - Hey God/Goddess! Listen, I ah, I am not ready to go! No! Not now… I want more time to waste on good times and lots of wilful absence of Wisdom… Etc…

Nobody ever wants to get ill and die!
There is never a good time to get sick and die, folks!
It is just like being born, it is always unpleasant!

However we can learn to grow beyond learned behaviour of all of the antics/theatrics of endings, beyond the drama of our emotions…

Beyond Fear if we wish to and before our so-called time to go does come.

Other problems which bring about a Crisis of Belief may also be of an Economic Nature…
When am I getting rich and wealthy?

Or rather…

When am I getting to become financially independent, autonomous, also keeping my good health and equally free to actually “LIVE MY LIFE” on my own terms instead of doing this sorry excuse of a seemingly meaningless existence to myself called “Survival”?

When am I going to be free from depending on other people like the corporate criminals and their underpaid jobs, imposing and spreading the misery of no-choice but having to be working class, poor, needy, used, abused and junked & disposed of, chiefly once one gets sick and/or old?

Hard to believe in God/Goddess sometimes!

Even more Difficult is to believe that We human beings can be such a bunch of coward weasels who blame God for our shortcomings by shifting away from ourselves our very own responsibility to learn to be healthy, free, wise and happy for little time that we are here for experience in this realm of matter…
Or should I say – denser realms of Vibrations/Wavelengths.

I know it is hard to believe in ourselves, in God or in anybody else as a matter of fact, when nothing is working out for us.

People all go from cradle to grave without a clue of how badly they have been used, abused and junked by their own society with its monopoly on Language and Belief but no Equality, no Humanity, no Freedom, no Wisdom at all because…

The poor of today will be back as the rich and wealthy of tomorrow and the circle will keep on rolling like a wheel until somebody/something introduces a price to pay for the wilful ignorance and blatant refusal from partaking in the Dance of Evolution.

Again and again there is a Reason for Everything and Everybody everywhere.

We arrive in this world and we soon realize that we have to find ways to become successful in order to be allowed to live well and free to do and to live as we may please.
The less you have, the more you lose if you attempt to do and to live as you please.

Then if allowed by our circumstances we get to gather and amount plenty of wealth so that we try to live well chiefly if we have the wings of our Freedom grown on the proven efforts and experience of our Wisdom.
Then we are fine and dandy!

No such!

Someday loved ones die on us.
Sickness arrives in our lives too…
Suddenly we do not know if we believe in God/Goddess because we’ve been so blinded by our flesh and the delights of its elemental experience that we’ve forgotten that it is all temporary and we have to part with the elementals and their kingdoms.

We must return to our own source, our very own individual Souls as we are Light and not this temporary Name, Number and Body that we have for now.

We surround ourselves with our material wishes and all granted pleasures thereof, then we wonder why our security failed us.

Because True Security does not come from Wealth, Good Health, Religion, Tradition, Rituals, Rites, Statues, Symbols, Language & Belief upon Others whether Things, People, Species or God.

True Security comes only from Inside of our own Selves!

We all have it! Some of us have it buried so deep that we cannot feel it enough to find it sometimes…
Our problems are there to remind us of our own Light, our own Sacredness of Being Eternal Creations from the Source of All.

Maybe this short passage that we call a lifetime has been so good to us in this time-zone that we basically never saw it coming!

But c’mon!
I still think that there is Freedom with Wisdom in being in good terms with both Life and Death too.
Freedom is always freeing to change as Change is always changing to free.
We are made out of Changes, folks!

Religion? Tradition? Politics?
It is all Language and Belief.
We must remind ourselves that we are not the only Specie in the infinite number of Universes along with ours.
We are not Mortals, our bodies may die but that it is just language & belief because our bodies actually change.
It is all atoms, sequences which change their order, frequencies, wavelengths, vibrations!

Our Light is Eternal and there is no part of You or I which does not come/belong from/to the Supreme Being Createss of All that it is allowed to exist.
Our emergencies are but a brief moment, a hundred years are and feel just like a blink of an eye to our Souls.

Does God/Goddess love me?
Yes, always!

Is the Supreme Being letting me down because of whatever displeases/harms me, my lifetime?

No, never! Think for a moment, in order to live we must eat other species to survive whether it is veggies or animals, etc… Do we ever consider the exchanges and agreements which must take place between us and other species in order to allow us to experience these dense matter realms of flesh and their primitive time-zones?

FEEDING – To Eat Food is but an exchange and marriage of different species and billions of Transformations at all levels.

Illness/Sickness, The Fates & Their Circumstances are only “Actively Present” when They are fully allowed/invited because They are a part of us and other species also working in harmony with us in order to allow us to separate from matter at the agreed-upon point/time as we’ve requested before entering the flesh/being born into matter.

A crisis of belief allows one to question how honest to our own selves we have been…

A crisis of belief is our way to re-visit Childhood/Infancy as we enable ourselves to say – Mum/Dad, I want that toy and if you do not let me have it, I will cry and scream, I will rant and rave! Mum/Dad, you don’t love me! But this time it is Not to Dad/Mum that we are playing the spoiled child, it is to God/Goddess.
It didn’t work with dad and mum (chiefly good parents) and it won’t work with God/Goddess!
There is really a time and a reason for everything and every person.
Everything that it is allowed to happen, happens for a reason.
Beyond that, it is either wilful ignorance or simply stupidity.

Surround yourself with what you please but make room for your own part of acknowledgement of whom you are, where you came from and the dignity of being a part of the Creatress and Her creation!

Love & Light,

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon

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