Friday 19 October 2012

People Are Really Children - Revised

14th Sep 2010

People Are Really Children (Revised 2010)
Happy Autumn!
Yes, it is back to the
basics of all beginnings...
It is there that we can all remind ourselves that we all were born babies as innocent as they all are and without all this heavy and dirty baggage which the world has presented us with along our way from childhood to adulthood.
From the world's worst villains present, past and future...
From nasty, brute, cold, selfish, self-serving, hypocritical, false, cheating, inhuman, ignorance-promoting, hatred-for-all-differences-promoting, controlling, unfair, biased, prejudiced, anti-goodness, anti Mother Nature, anti Equality-for-all, anti Real/Uncompromised Academia, anti Real/Uncompromised Arts and Sciences, anti Equal-Rights-For-All, anti-Factual, anti-Freedom, anti-GLBTIQ, anti-Women, harmful and bad Businesses, Religions and Governments to common criminals...
No difference - we all were born babies - Children!
Where did all the poison, the dumb behaviour, the primitive/dark-age mentality and all the harm creep in and changed people into freaking cold-hearted monsters without scruples, without compassion, without any love, caring, consideration and respect for the well-being of/for our fellow human beings???
Will we ever learn to love one another without having to compete with one another?
Will we ever teach one another that all of our so-called "Competition", all of our languages, all of our words, of our definitions, of our codes of values, of our codes of conduct, of our Traditions...
All of our Mythologies/Religions/Beliefs, our Laws/Rules, of our Academia, of our Systems/Ways, of our Governments...
No exceptions at all - They all were invented/created by us human beings and even our concept of Gods/Goddesses and a Supreme Being or many - we've made it all up ourselves.
Why? In order to satisfy our need to be, to feel relevant!
And it could all and everything be fine and dandy if only we could learn to lose the fear of losing...
If only we could lose our extremely pathetic/stupid and unenlightened Competition...
If only, we could lose our fear of/from the New and Unknown...
If only we could lose our embarrassingly meaningless "Need" to be in control to extents which are absurd and harmful to our own selves and to others...
If only we could respect one another's basic human dignity to be free and respected regardless of all differences because we all are human beings and whether we like it or not, we are in this together for the short/temporary journeys in the flesh here on Mother Earth.
Absolute control is an illusion of short shelf-life.
Superiority is a temporary illusion and the lies of bullies.
Hatred of/for our own mutual differences is primitive, ignorant and harmful to all people.
Some write it is too late, there is too much to hate, so much hatred, too many bad people, too much harm, too much damage.
Evolution is never ever easy when we hold back from that what we are made out of - Changes!
People - I see them all as children.
We all are works-in-progress from the highest to the lowest human being alive or dead.
Many lifetimes come and go and none of us can avoid our own Evolution.
Next time that you feel bad and hatred - Do remember that we all were born babies - Children - human beings and the rest...
Well, the "Rest" is really Rubbish that we've made up along the way and so well indeed that instead of serving us, we find ourselves serving the rubbish that we've invented.
It is the falling in love of the inventor with his/her invention all over...
The more I think the more I realise how the world is forgetting to actually live, chiefly when it finds itself lost in the mad and stupid competing race - to be/to feel and to remain "Relevant".
There is no answer except Evolution.
It surely fits us all, no exception!
I still love the World chiefly when I see it as a Child.
Love and Light,
Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon

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