Friday 19 October 2012


18th November 2011
Bright Blessings!
A meaningful question comes to me at a time of synchronicities begging me to share more however I always exercise care because not everybody can handle to know what they think that they wish to know...




An astrological WALK-IN CHART is a chart drawn/cast for the moment which another Soul/Being and/or Specie has successfully entered somebody's present flesh/body in order to stay and finalise the present cycle of that lifetime in matter/in the flesh and/or to pass a period in it until another scheduled to come and enter will take its place, etc...
There are People whose body is meant to be/become what I call "Legions"... Which it simply means it is like a Merry-Stay Vacation Hotel with Many Walk-ins of Different Kinds varying on Nature, Soul Group, Being and/or Species...
These Walk-ins have all been mutually pre-natally agreed-upon by all parties concerned and even though in a lot of Localities/Countries which have a strong socio/religio/politico conditioning/programming for the minds of its people, making it primitive & wilfully blinded by the fear imposed by the great myths with their invented Zoroastrian/Dualistic rubbish as the stupid and useless personified battle of evil and good... None of the walk-ins are evil or bad.
The fact is the people, the observing ones, the observer has not been equipped with the Information nor the Wilful Intelligent Wisdom of the proven experience of the facts in order to make truly educated definitions of what they are attempting to explain...

The Observed most of the time is more advanced and far wiser than the so-called Observers!

So what you and the most people commonly get is Explanations which are fancifully all-dressed-up in made-up/invented/bogus Religious/Mythological, primitive Ideas/Ideologies which are ever so quick to qualify everything into the pea-sized/moronic spoils of "Saviour, Martyr and/or Victim" labels within the evil versus good old RUBBISH!

The fact is devoid of all that jazz of the mainstream religions and of the stupid minority elite who use it to control the speech, the thinking and the actions of the majority of the people of this world whose lifetimes are at many times alike as houses for other species/elementals just trying the Human Being Experience for the first time.
A lot of these species do not know the meaning of Fear in the way which the average people would, ergo they choose Fantastic Endings or rather more like seemingly bad choices in many horrible experiences when seen from the perspective of the flesh/matter...

However it may be, from the perspective of the eternal soul, it is just a mere flash in the pan, it is as quick as a blink of an eye...

The so-called Emotions which allows us TO FEEL so many Things while within the boundaries of the flesh will change once WATER, a different Specie Itself moves out of us and we're back to our natural state of Being LIGHT - an Eternal Spark of Light from the Womb of the Creatress of All.

Fire is the Elemental, the Specie closer to our true Spiritual Nature.


There are many levels of Possessions when it comes to the interaction of this Reality and other Realities/Realms and their Energies.

The best thing about Walk-in Charts is that it must be confirmed in the actual Natal Chart of the birth of that Body at issue which is serving as a Host for the so-called Walk-in or Walk-ins.

Again, there is nothing evil nor bad about it and there is nothing to fear neither!
The so-called Bad Guys & Girls are roles agreed-upon and as such having their belonging time-zones, locations and the volunteering souls which agree to play these shows.

Existence on material level has always been founded upon the freely and willingly give and take - exchange of  Energies which all Transformation/Change are made out of. 
Dynamics are Birth, Middle and End and Rebirth/Begin Again are what they are, simply the dynamics of all Life.

For you Vegan/vegetarians - Everything is made out of Atoms and everything has its own energy and level of existence and yes everything is very much alive!
And yes, again! Because in order to live this temporary material level experience of a lifetime, a time-zone in this body, we all have to feast on and eat other species as for instance Veggies in order to exist and partake in the cycle of Evolution of all.
Don't worry because there are billions of Universes inside each vessel/body and They all feast on and feed upon us while we live this temporary voyage from cradle to grave.
It is actually quite simple and nothing special at all. 

I must ask everybody who is interested in Walk-In Astrological Charts as to share on the Subject, of course if freely Willing & if OK.
Also share as to the why and wherefore are You interested in Walk-Ins Charts?

Good topics, folks!

Love & Light,

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon
p.s. I could write some 100 pages book on this subject but the question really is... Is this the right and proper time to let this type of Cat out of the proverbial bag for all to see?

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