Friday 19 October 2012




1 - The Answer

2 - The "I Love The Illusion" Bit

3 - To Make A Difference

4 - The Issue Of Boundaries



I don't really think anybody knows the Answer until it chooses them out...

From good people who somehow find themselves temporarily non-capable / unable of telling how/what they really feel to whom they truly feel it for...

To good and brave people who always come on knocking on the Right Door but at the Wrong Time when such a door cannot be properly opened and attended to as it should.

Hearts and passions loosely free but without a sure direction in the winds of the roads of life...

As we all keep on moving as fast as we can in hopes to reach that wishful destination which always turns out to be false-alarm as it seems like its place is in the twilight zone if anything...

Because it seems to be nowhere here where happiness and satisfaction get so bored so quickly and they keep on moving as we roll on making and breaking to pieces all over and everything as if lost between so many turns of going from construction to destruction from cradle to grave.

What is the real point of so many "Didn't Work Out's"? And even if it did, even it were many "Worked out's", they all still wear out and they all are doomed to pass too...

Maybe the answer is "MEANING".

(There is no past tense nor any future tense because all happens here and now and the rest becomes just frame of reference).

Life is not about "What It Is"!

Life is about "What It Means".

Meaning makes us feel relevant in/to our lives regardless of "Belief And Language" and Their socio-religio-politico Programming/Conditioning of/to our own expectations and of course the actual results in our lives.

It is "Not" about who has more Things/Marbles to play with, because he/she has looted hard and more than what he/she needed for himself/herself...

It is about whether we've braved hard and long enough to do and to live that what we feel within our hearts and regardless of the approval of others, regardless of the signs on the road to it, regardless of one's fears, means and circumstances...

Although it must be said that real and true "Circumstances Always Rule", I mean those "Circumstances" which act as the Voice and Command of a Supreme Power (seemingly) which gets its way and always falls outside of our specie's feeble and unwise attempts to control it and force it to bend over and surrender to our will.

So meantime, let's make that show where there is a full house, everybody laughs, smiles and enjoys and as it gets late and show is almost over, there, there is also a Happy "The End"! Well, it is a nice way of looking at it!

That would be Meaningful always!

Love & Light,
Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon



The late and dear Agnes Moorehead (6thDec1900 – 30thApr1974) Actress who played Endora on the TV Show – Bewitched, used to be fond of openly disclosing that She Actually Loved The Illusion, chiefly when referring to her work, her many roles in the Movies, TV and Theatre and of course All That Goes Along With It...

I myself love the ILLUSION as I refer to my own many portrayals of myself en femme...

Because the fact was / is and will surely be that in this present lifetime and/or time-zone, I Am NOT A Woman!!!

I am simply a Human Being of the Gender Trans - MTF Permanent Non-Op... (And by the way, there are many Levels and Ways of Expression of such a Blessing and Gift.)

Ergo I am quite pleased, very fond of the ILLUSION myself because it is much more than the Movies, TV and Theatre... It is actually my own life and I love Myself En Femme!


I have the Highest Approval of All, my very own, by and for me and myself!

Quite pleased about willingly, openly and freely BEING MYSELF! It feels GOOD & REAL!


In the Material World, We need our Neptune-oriented, Mineral Senses however under an Atomic Microscope Lens, we all know that we are Atoms in different sequences, we know that our so-called Solidity is an illusion of our senses, our sensed material world is not as we sense it at all.

Via Quantum Academia, via Technology and its Instrumentation, we find our Human Specie's Perception is not accurate nor as real as we are made to believe from cradle to grave.

So what?


Me too! I love the illusion and it is all a part of being on stage of life playing our prenatal scripts!

Myself? To be honest, I really cannot myself be "ON" 24/7, nobody can!

I know some people will disagree but such it is expected anyway!

I absolutely need NOT another Human Being in my life 24/7 (no matter how good) to make expectations upon me, upon my choices and to tell me what to do and so forth... No! Never!

Part-time sharing in the exchanges of all life is all I can consider "Doable" and truly conducive of contentment and happiness for me.

I do not need to own anybody nor to be owned by anybody at all!

I value and appreciate my time off from the stage, from playing the shows of which all life is made out of.

I do not see myself ever being "ON" 24/7 no matter what it is, I require Down-time, my personal space and my own quality time on my own and for myself!

The best format is always to go for Equals!

Independence is not just a word, it is something to be lived and there is nothing more satisfying and blessed than to be empowered to live life as an independent human being, self-sufficient, autonomous and without any societal hooks and hang-ups.

Dependence sucks. It is at the core of each and every problem on earth... And it is the main cause and reason for most prisons cages and imprisonments!

I bar, abhor and despise Dependence with passion and with every atom in my body!

Dependence only works when it is in dietary format, low calories and very lite...

Too much "dependence and depending" are always a sure recipe/way heading for major disaster, for unnecessary harm, disgrace, bad-use/abuse/suffering, missed opportunities in life and wasted/basically missed lifetimes.

Share, love, enjoy, freely partake of all Giving and Receiving which all Life is made out of, but have some standards! Put your respect for yourself, your dignity first!

Those human beings who respect you and your dignity are the only ones who merit your real love and caring chiefly when you know them long enough to realise it is all for Real!

The fact is, we all change, we all bow down to changes and nobody is above and beyond change! And I do mean - nobody!

I embrace all parts of myself and let's face it, "We-All need BREAKS from whatever it may be, whether deemed good or deemed/labelled bad!

I love the Illusion too and all and everything pleasant and beautiful that go along with it!

But I treasure my break-times too!

Blessed be!

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon



But it is tiresome to death because it is all old, very old stuff which only tease the senses but in the rather ingrained absence of factual & critically well-thought Reason chiefly when it comes to the offices of Belief…

Because Language (and I stand in awe as I write this) always has its own way with the good will of good people however people not good enough to understand the fact the ancient and modern seemingly endless joke is on them/themselves.

Definitions change and can be manipulated/modified...

And of course, softer Terminologies are sure to curry favourable reactions even if the matter at issue, the actual deed/action are purely shocking, nasty, harmful and shamefully offensive to all.

It is hard to work up any enthusiasm to write out "The Obvious" on and on and on... Knowing all along that most people everywhere, they won't get it at all.

It is not about superiority nor inferiority, it is about Individuation and whether it was or it was not available for the people at issue... Just that!

Love & Light,

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon



As far as being thankful for the Boundaries...

As every problem has its curse and equally its gift and reward to offer...

We have to put up with the curse side of it!

Then we might as well equally accept the gift and reward side of it!

The real issue it is the fact that it is a matter of Culture/Education and Well-Informed Critical Thinking...

The People who exhibit the various degrees of primitive bigotry/prejudice/biases against LGBTQ families and/or against Pagan and Pagan-Wiccan families are basically embarrassingly Full Of Rubbish!

Nothing but wilful ignorant idiots and it is very hard to feel any sympathy for these worthless Critters / Nitwits chiefly when they call themselves Pagan, Pagan Wiccan Priestesses / High-Priestesses and High-Priests / Priests, Magicians, Initiates, etc...

The Ancient Goddess & Gods will have a surprise for these people with Entrance of Neptune back to His Home in Pisces as Unnecessary Boundaries / Divisions will be going away, they will be dissolved, undone/melted and/or washed away and most of the people who invent, create and promote these Divisions will surely wash away with the Universe's Big Toilet flushing System doing its duty on time as always... LOL

The general Public, the bred-to-be Uncultured, the Stupid & wilfully ignorant people of the Big & Rich Mainstream Religions...
They also will feel the Powers of Neptune washing away the primitive Divisions invented by the minority elite for the masses, divisions which keep them at odds with each other so that they will not unite and overthrow the powers that oppress them...

People have been hiding behind these Divisions however they will grow beyond them as Evolution comes to everyone.

The nastily good old & tiresome rubbish of Dualism, this primitive (men-made / invented) Nonsense of Fear versus Love, Good versus Evil... Pure Garbage and folks, it will surely pass... And humankind will no longer be controlled by the 1% minority elite of the world.

Hey I do not care whether people step out of some outer or inter space flying saucer or if they are our species or of other species – They all had to be created and they all started at the Source of it all.

The issue of Religion and Belief being passé in reference to space visitors/aliens/other species is rubbish because no matter what or whom, it is still come from the Source and/or its Source has come from the Main Source...

Such it was, is and will always be our Creatress of it all to me/myself!!!

As you all may see, it is all connected/tied-up together as one...

It is Evolution...

Not just any Evolution, it is Evolution from the Source of All...

And whether you are from here and or you are from there and everywhere, whether our species or some other species, whether from the ancient Time-zones as myself or modern ones as most of these critters of today...

It does not matter at all!!!

Then... What is going on in the world today? One may ask...

Too many elementals & other species/beings coming to the flesh as Humans and for the very first time and well the rest it is easy to figure out, it is a freaking disaster to be in the world of matter these days as Chaos rules and Order is on break to allow Chaos to assist these beings to climb the ladder of their own Evolution.

Some of my best friends have been Elementals come back as Human beings...

There are a lot of issues for careful consideration when one lifts the curtains, I mean all the stupid curtains and one is actually looking at the proverbial "Whole Picture" and without the censorship & Limiting Filters of one's own socio-religio-politico conditioning/programming.


This is subject more suitable for another Article for when this Time-zone becomes ripe enough and then I will write it in full if it is my script for this time around!

Love & Light,

Sky aka JDAeon


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