Monday 30 January 2012




Some people think of themselves as noble and benevolent…

Because they basically spend their most of their time, most of their lives making excuses to themselves in order not to have to deal with their very own hearts and lives…

Instead they justify everything by hiding from themselves by occupying their time and lives intruding, meddling and worrying about the lives and choices of other human beings.
They will say, well it is because of family loyalty or it is because of real love, or it is because of too much caring…

The fact is, it is because they are too coward to look at themselves first and mind their own hearts and lives first instead of minding other people’s.
Can you imagine what an empty life these so-called self-justified caring people must have, the fact that they do not have any caring for the integrity of their own hearts and lives as they are too busy putting their noses into the lives of other people hiding behind their own self-invented pedestal of self-justifications, of self-importance and of unenlightened, stupid self-entitlements without any factually proven merits at all?

Can you imagine to have to live with one of these wilfully ignorant and simple-minded misfits who think highly of themselves as they hide behind and finally lose themselves in their own “Victim, Martyr and Saviour” syndrome.
Jung himself knew it and wrote about it too!

Some think of themselves of defenders of Family, saviours of family, saviours of family members and of course saviours of their own invented version of their family values…
Their world needs their own invented brand of salvation!
Some think of themselves as Martyrs for the sake of Family, of Family members and of Friends, their world needs their invented martyrdom!

Some think of themselves as Victims! They spend all of their lives swimming in their own invented Self-Pity!
They are always too busy picking, finding faults at family, at family members, at friends and at their own world…

Too busy feeling sorry for themselves in order to justify their neglect of their own hearts and lives, in order to justify their coward lives hiding behind their lack of initiative to live their own wishes and dreams while blaming family, family members, friends and their world for all the bad times…

Usually these people think highly of themselves and are certified idiots for thinking that other people/the world owes them this or that…
The world has let them down and owes them their happiness!

All that these people really need to hear is those character building words that nobody had the time to waste on them…

- Hey, nobody gives a TOOT or a HOOT about whether you think of yourself as a Saviour, Martyr or Victim!

Your opinion, your demands, your criticism mean absolutely nothing to anybody else on earth but you!

- So drop any invented, stupid and useless crosses & weights that you may willingly be carrying because you are wasting your time!

- Nobody asked you to be a Saviour!
- Nobody asked you to be a Martyr!
- And nobody expects nor asked you to be a coward playing Victim all of your life so that you can avoid taking accountability for your role in your own life for your choices...

Maybe you want to continue to blame the world, the family, friends and other people for your problems and for your wilful dissatisfaction!

The world does not give a flying pip about you nor your criticisms!
It is so easy to think – Oh I am right or oh I am wrong!
The Passing of Time always proves whichever true! So don't fret, don't worry!
Too many people thinking that their intrusion matters…

It does not! It does not mean anything for other people's lives, because that's their lives and not yours! You've got your life to live and account for!

If You love someone... Go ahead and for Goddess's sake do everybody a great favour and tell that lucky person what it is in your mind, in your heart once and for all! Make it or break it and move on with your life!
If You hate someone...

Drop it, it will only poison and harm you and your life! Stop wasting time with hatred and go hand around with Forgiveness, spend time with Love and try a good dose of Live-and-let-others-live-too! Mind your own business! Stay out of other people's lives!

Get on with your own life and try to be honest to yourself and you will be happy!
Some of us are fiercely free-willed, wise and sane enough to mind our own lives and we are not even remotely interested at all about the rest! LOL

Don't be a Victim! Don't be a Martyr and for goodness' sake please don't be a Saviour!
Be yourself! Be free to be yourself! Drop all the weights and travel lite, it can be a nice journey if you just give it a chance...

Love & Light,

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon


Had been reading my old notations on Jung's...
The Martyr, Saviour & Victim Cycle Dynamics bit jumped right out at me...
Because I had basically written a short essay on it years ago...
At the time I had been impressed by his perception and writings covering "Anima, Animus, the Shadow, the Old Wise Woman and the Old Wise Man..."

The Great Rite wants and needs always an Altar that is Mutual so as to turn acts of love into sacred rites to the Ancient Ones.
Before all of that, one must get rid of the "Martyr, Saviour and Victim" syndrome usually caught in the cultural poverty of the masses oppressed, repressed and pressed hard under the socio-religio and politico brainwashing of their times.

I thought...

Jung knew that the invented Guilt of the World must be undone however one needs to shed one's fears before one can own one's own eyes to really and truly see.

Ergo, the advice of Jung under the lens of my own arranged rendition thereof, this article for you all.


"Acceptance for all people" is very difficult because in general most people are brainwashed to hate all Differences in themselves, in other people and in everything and from cradle to grave.

Blaming others, avoidance and anything to refrain from "Living in full" works because the first duty of any live Organism is to Survival ergo Defence becomes the Big Order of the day when dealing with other people and everything else!

Justifications are lame and usually for people who have none worth anything at all!

Fear only knows how to hurt and it is also human!

But good common sense and a tiny little bit of intelligence coupled with wisdom will always tell us all to get it over it and to brave our storms so that we may win the day!

The past has a wealth of precedents to teach us however the past is not a place where to hide from the present!

Forgiveness is beautiful but forgiveness starts with oneself! And in most cases, it does not work because people cannot forgive anybody else on earth if they fail to forgive themselves individually first!

At the end of the day, it was a huge Shadow of a tiny toy soldier making everybody scared until somebody dared to become a Light of their own and to vanquish the darkness and to see what it is really there.

Jung was a genius!
The Mutual Union/Marriage between the Lower and the Higher Self is what the doctor calls for a happy lifetime.

What does it prevent from happen?

The Fear posed by our Shadow, nobody wants to meet the Old Wise Woman and the Old Wise Man - By nature, People fear Death as much as they fear Life-Herself!

The Challenge created by the Emergence of Expression of our Anima & Animus...

Collectively - Everybody shows off to be brave and think highly of themselves! No challenge there at all!
It is all for show, for display only!

Individually - Everybody has to deal with Themselves alone and they have to look at themselves and see whom they really are!

Most people are afraid to face their shadows and make friends with in order to unite all pairs of opposites within and achieve the Great Rite within, the Union of all, the Individuation which renders us whole and Owners of our Eyes, of our Thinking, of our collective and individual Destinies!

Let's face it, not many people will brave their own shadow in this lifetime!
They will run like hell from it from cradle to grave and that it is why we have all the mess, all the looting, all the wars, all the baddies...

It is a work for Evolution indeed! That it is why I wrote elsewhere, Evolution comes to everyone sooner or later!
Because it does and that is good news for us all who happen to care for this beautiful Lady called our Planet Earth and all her Children...

Behaving has been erased off the blackboard...
The new order is Chaos first. As for Order, well, order only later after you've mastered well your own chaos first!

It sounds so simple but it is not at all... Not when our society layers it with fear, hatred for all differences and a primitive, stupid mania / penchant for being "Coward" and Destructive/harmful/toxic to each other and to other species!




It is hard to feel any sympathy for most people when they do proverbially "fall into the pool" because it is in most cases their very own doing and some much invited & needed LESSON after their long time of getting away with pushing others into the pool!

Don't get me wrong, I am NOT fond at all, of the suffering/bad-times/lessons of others whether human beings and/or also other species...

Hell, I myself feel like Hating the so-called “Bad Times” but damn it, the proven fact is... I do also Love & Adore Them so-called “Bad-Times” as well...

Because in fact, they were/are and equally will always be That what flavours the Essence & Meaning of all of the reasons of what we all are Now & Here for.

There are plenty of Instant Karma happening each Nano-Second in micro and macro levels/dimensions/realms inside and outside each and everyone of us as we begin our Dance with Chaos and Order from cradle to grave and back again for more FUN with rest of the folks and other species whether here or in other places in the infinite universes.

This show here on Earth is not the only one in all Universes here and beyond...
But it surely is a well-watched Festival all over more advanced realms and times as we here play “Pupils & Teachers in Primitive Times & Situations...
We are a Good Romantic Comedy...

There is Drama too but it is Peaceful chiefly when you consider all the solidly proven fact that all the Pain and all the so-called Harm / Bad / Evil ( Don’t you just love our Primitive Labels / Invented - Personalised - Adjectives & Nouns ) and Destruction however knowing/Realising fully well that They all are Temporary and everybody, every species do get to play them as well and To Survive Them without a freaking Scratch because None of Us are this matter which we temporarily borrow in order to experience evolution in this or other alike realms...

Our Light, our Soul/Spirit is Immortal, is Eternal just alike as our Creatress Goddess whose Fire/Light & Delicious Love reside/abide within all of Her Creation, all of us and in each and every thing which it is allowed to exist.

But it does not feel that way for a very brief moment when we forget our immortality for the sake of Evolution... As we see a bug being smashed under our feet or when we are smashed under the mighty feet of paying-back Karmic Lessons which we all learn and teach.

Hell, I myself have the horrors for a brief moment every time that I bother to return... As soon as I realise I am here... Oh Goddess, I know it will be painful again but also pleasingly delicious...

Before entering the Flesh and as Light & Fire, we all can be so brave and daring... Once we volunteer our Selves for another Sacred Go at it and we arrive...

It is always horrible to arrive and horrible to leave but the journey is worthwhile whether we are giving or receiving.

Karma becomes just another word for “You will learn this freaking RUBBISH so well that you will know it by heart, forwards and backwards and well enough that you will be able to teach it and finally grow beyond it forever.

Sounds simple, doesn’t it?
But go try to tell that to the people within the flesh!
I mean, anybody who are Suffering, for those who are Dying but just didn’t as yet...
Or simply...
To the crying just-born babies at the maternity wards of any hospitals.
Kids / Children / Species, all of you’ve bitten on more than you could possibly chew when you had “Volunteered For This”, for another Show in this primitive realm and time-zone!

Love & Light,

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon

While a person is still inside of the flesh - "Alive", there is always "Hope"... And chiefly even more so if such a person is healthy/clean & still sane!


Doing some Self-Induced Past-Lives Regressions can at times justify & explain in no uncertain way the seemingly rough & tough choices which our very own Souls have made for these short passages in the flesh.
Friendship, I mean real Friendship can only start and grow strong between people when they can learn to be Friends to themselves individually first.
Nobody can give, nor offer nor share something which they do not have to give, to offer and to share.
Everything starts with oneself first !!! No ifs, ands nor buts about that!!!


I've myself read/studied the Vedas for a few years when I was younger...
I can appreciate the Wisdom of the Samhitas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas & (Old & Modern Upanishads)...
Karma is many things to many Cultures, to many people...
To modify one's own Karma is a possibility available only to a few who know about it as it all starts with the soul, its pre-natal choices for itself and for others who agreed to come into the same time-zone to either teach and/or learn along with such soul...
And not the flesh, it is not an affair of conveniences or preferences of this realm and time-zone at all.


Those who can access their own Essence and follow their True-Will shall succeed if attempting to modify their own Karma based upon Freedom with Wisdom.

Most people, most events will simply be and as you said Archetypal Interference/Assistance/Intercession would be counter-productive for the soul's chosen lifetime and those other souls who are collectively participating with the pool of lessons (teachings and learning of that soul group).

Karma comes to everyone but it is our own soul's own pre-natal choices for our chosen passages in the flesh ergo the rest of the Universe, the Goddesses, Gods and Other Species/Beings will NOT interfere nor intrude into the process...

Prayers and rites are useless if they are aimed against Karma and its role for flesh.
Intercession of other Beings/Species, if allowed, it is either a pre-chosen/prenatal clause.

Most people do not understand that the show is over before it began.

The End



While talking on the phone to my Mum who lives abroad the other day she had shared with me an
emotional passage...

With the passing of somebody in family a few years ago, it became decided to exhume my late father who had passed away abroad, on the 14th July 1996.

My Mum had chosen to be present at my dad's exhuming in order to see him again she had told me.

She disclosed to me that she had tears at the time and had been shocked and stunned to see a big man like dad reduced to a small "Bag of Bones"...
We talked it over and I shared with her that many years ago when dad was still alive and strong...

The now late auntie Jessie had had herself a similar experience with another member of the family however I was there with her and saw it too...

That evening I had told dad about my experience along with auntie Jessie at the cemetery that afternoon...

I told mum, I still remember how dad smiled friendly and told me - Nonsense!
And how he loved to explain to me how we all must pass, if you are alive, you are dead because the only way out is through...
Change is what we are made out of and we, our souls will leave but our bodies will return to bones, powder and ashes...

Finally he had said - Don't be so sad because there are not any souls worth their sacred fire and light living in any cemetery anywhere except for other species following their own cycle of life in matter too.

Mum felt better somehow and seemed to smile as she thanked me for sharing that memory.

Life is beautiful but it is made out of changes and we may choose not to think of "Endings at the expense of Beginnings" however both cannot exist without each other...

Birth, Death and Rebirth again...

They do happen every second at all levels in all that exists from macro to micro, no exceptions!

It is the sacred dance of existence - "Changing to free and freeing to change" for the sake of the evolution of all and everything that exist at all levels, at all places from macro to micro and in all worlds!

We are so busy living Life, taking chances with our bravery and surviving the risks with our wisdom.

Sometimes we forget to remember that we all are made out of changes, we forget the bag of bones, powder and ashes...

Maybe it might well be good for us all to temper a bit our ego, our excesses, our dislikes,
our mania for power over others, our hunger for control, our business-like / ruthless ways with a touch of the unavoidable Mortality of our Flesh and of our Material world Stuff.

It surely humbles the toughest and mightiest because we all are in this together, we all must pass away sooner or later.

And at the end of the day, well...
We all are human beings and it is ok to be human.

I would not want to be in this world without my awareness, my love, my trust and my dedication for the Goddess.

Love and Light!

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon



Happy New Beginnings For All!
The most "Perfect Idiot" is a role which All Minds do exercise , no exception here!!!

And it is all because the Spirit of Discovery in all of us does always approach the Unknown without any idea of its virtues and/or of its consequences.

This is not about the character of Inspector Closeau of the famous Pink Panther Movies LOL...

However the concept of "Success By Accident" is a true picture of any healthy and sane Mind.

We attempt to do, to be and to understand a lot of different things in life however amidst our journey of trials/attempts towards our goals when we do succeed we also do know deep inside there is always an element of surprise, release and meaning which it is present within that moment and such cannot be bought nor sold, it belongs to devices beyond any human controls.

We may choose to copycat "Winners in Life" for the sake of attempting to become a Winner too.

We may choose to attempt to surround ourselves with Winners in hopes to become Winners our own selves...

We may chance to imitate Winners for the sake of wanting to be a Winner too...

In the end of the day, nobody knows for sure what makes it happen.

Ways to win alike as cooking recipes do exist by the millions

To find out which of those ways belong to each one of us individually is our individual task to our own selves.

Other to that one could simply say when the bell rings we win and when the bell rings again we lose...

Any Life displays a series of winnings and losses which do happen in order for us all to grow wiser and closer to our own inner harmony, our true selves, our true will.

A glance at Knowledge and we find that Thought functions by accident much like the proverbial Fool in its Journey to Wisdom in the unknown roads of all Experience.

Perfection is foolish because it always lacks Completion.

Completion is a lie because it is never ever over in the dance of Life, Death and Rebirth.

By Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon



When it comes to polarities whether sexual, electric or any kind or level... LOL

Whether in Pagan-Wiccan Religion or most anywhere else at all levels...

Hetero, good people (mostly men and a few women) proverbially wrote most of the common rules and/or formats believed to be the most workable, the most correct and acceptable within our MAINSTREAM World of many collections of our Specie's Invented "Belief & Language".

Yet if these rules had been instead written by people of the preference GLBQ, and of all the genders... I mean Female, Male and Third Gender: Trans... I am absolutely sure that they would have been quite DIFFERENT.

Which polarity is the natural and right polarity?

There is not such a thing.

Such is not and it must never be allowed to be nor to become anybody's monopoly when it comes to our own hearts, also our own rights to be free to be and to remain honest to our own selves and to express our own differences freely.
We must never surrender the integrity of what Nature has placed in each and every one of us individually, our core, our natural feelings and differences to this or that Religion's or Government's mandates.

There is no ethics nor any morals in keeping the less-informed, the less-cultured as slaves of some horrendously inhumane, biased, harmful, deceptive and unfair ideologies.

Again, there is no such a thing as a polarity which it is natural and right for all people and for everything that exists.
There have always been other polarities, LGBTQ have always been with us, by us all from the very beginning of Time and Life Herself.

People who have claimed to be inspired by God or Goddess, or other idiots who have claimed to have talked to God or Goddess and their words became their teachings, they were men and women just like any other...

Their bodies of teaching have been written, modified and written again and again many times...Their so-called Word of God or Word of Goddess is dubious, obsolete, fraught with inhumane politically designed mandates and all sorts of biases.

These so called "Words of God", must be measured by their own "Fairness and Equality for all people in their mandates, for their Respect for all differences, for all races and for all lands in their mandates...

The must be measured for their Respect for All Polarities, for their respect for each and every human being's rights to choose, to have freedom of expression, also to be/to become well-informed by the best proven facts available, for their Respect for each individuality...

For their Respect for Mother Nature, for Mother Life Herself and for our own bodies' home, the Earth Mother!

If they fail to do any of that, which they all blatantly do any way...

Then they never were, they never will be and they are NOT any word of any God nor any Goddess.

People need/must re-learn how to THINK again for themselves, independently!
Also people must learn how to question rubbish when rubbish is served to them regardless if the servers are Religions, Academia and/or Governments.

Not any God nor any Goddess, no God, no Goddess worthy of being called God, Goddess would ever expect anybody anywhere to be that what they were not born to be nor to stay with whom they no longer feel like staying with.

If some idiots' idea of God or Goddess had to be nasty and abusive to themselves and to the people whom were fool enough to follow them...It does not have to continue to be that way.
We all can say -No!
We all can respect our own Selves and dismiss people who hide behind their religious books and their rubbish.

If something exists, if something happens.. It is all very much because it was allowed to exist, to happen.
Nothing and nobody exist nor happen in vain...Regardless of our qualifying human needs to label and to understand.

The nonsense and clumsiness of attempting to place all the water of the sea into a tiny hole in the sand where you, I or others have pressed one of our fingers in to the soft lamentably sad and unnecessary.

Our own Technologies and Sciences of our present time have finally admitted in the recent past their discovery of the Quantum Factor which abides in all that exists and that includes all of our raped and censored Academia as well.

Much to the disgust and frustration of Religions and Governments which ordinarily like to keep the proverbial tight lid on anything old or new that might empower the people in general, Quantum is here to stay as it was always here patiently waiting for our wisdom to grow and our limiting ignorance to fade.

Herein my concern is solely polarity of all sorts and at all levels!

The Plus and Minus' polarity has always been challenged by Minus and Minus and Plus and Plus polarities, yet in the past always Plus and Minus would win the day with its boxed and limited format being imposed by Religion, Governments and Academia of course.

With Quantum there comes a time that we all have to admit that there are more polarities that we could ever imagine and that Harmony is a state which is original and different to each and every one of us individually and equally so to everything that exists!

With Quantum we have to admit that Balance is something original and different to each individual person and everything that there is.

It is ignorant, nonsensical and even demented for anybody to arrogantly think that the Hetero polarity is the only way of the Earth, of the Universe and of all that exists and then to attempt to impose it as a rule for all people and for all that exists.

Religions and Governments have always been imposing of such yet those who are blessed to study/to know the Ancient Past, Ancient Cultures of the World, the Pre-Christian and Pre-Jewish Religions and Civilizations, Ancient Civilizations, Pre-Patristic Times, etc...

They do see better and know better than the sorry "Do As I Tell You To Do But Don't Do As I Do!" which in general Religions and Governments boldly use and abuse!

The factual truth has always been that there is "Balance and Harmony" within All Polarities - whether LGBQ and / or Hetero and within all Genders - whether Male, Female and/or Third Genders MTF and / or FTM TRANS (Transsexual / Transgender) whether Non-Op / Pre-Op and / or Post-Op... And / or Androgynous and / or  Physically Inter-Sexed / Hermaphrodite.

Whatever polarity a Human Being naturally FEELS, he/she/they can be, can become.
The only limitation is "to naturally be able to feel such polarity in oneself"!
Any of the polarities whether in preferences as hetero, gay, lesbian, bisexual/queer and whether in genders as female, male and trans are equally harmonious and benign to those whom can feel them.

There is no polarity that it is better than the other...They are what they are, polarities placed in all of us and all that exists by Mother Nature and no man nor woman can ever change that.

Genetics will be abused much like anything else by the "Powers that be", yet the "Powers that be" will be always under Mother Nature's controls and also Her justified rewards to them whether sooner or later, in this lifetime or some other!
I do trust that and I do know that with all my being!

Perfect Balance lacks two important ingredients in order to exist, completion and perfection. If complete then it always lacks perfection because of the Time and Changes variables, if perfect then it lacks completion again because of the variables of the passing of time and the changes that everything and everyone is made out of.

So the next time that you see other polarities, remember what you are made out of and do respect all differences so that freedom can exist in a meaningful and natural way for all people!

Natural and right are whatever feels natural and right for each and every person individually!

What is natural and right for you, your body, your life must be owned by you, your own self.

Polarities should never be nor become power-plays and monopoly of/for Government, Religion and Business.
People need/must to learn to say No to whatever/whomever denies them the reality and choice of/for the "what/whom" which feel natural and right for them individually.
And people will more and more and more...

Ignorant, parasitic and predatory "Big Religions" are truly doomed by Time, The Quantum Factor and Mother Nature's full pay-back!

All polarities have their value.
All sexual preferences are sacred provided that they do not harm nor destroy anybody because each Life is equally sacred!

I love all polarities because I am Quantum sparkle myself, LOL!

By Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon

Good and bad times we all own but very few people have respect for both.

By Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon (c) 1982-2013 US UK France Brazil

Obsolete Anarchy Versus Quantum Re-Constructionism

Obsolete Anarchy Versus Quantum Re-Constructionism

Obsolete Anarchy Against Quantum Re-Constructionism?

Anarchy owns different colloquial definitions. In the US North America, Central and South America... The term is chiefly used to refer to a Society lacking public/recognized/honoured Government or Violently imposed Politically Mandated Authority. As such it may well be intended to imply Political Chaos/Lack of Order/Lawlessness within society.

Abroad, outside of the Americas... Anarchy suggests a Modus Operandi of Government which in theory it is supposed to go to extreme lengths to deny and to forbid the employment of Violence, Brute Force & Authority/Coercion...

And thereby producing a happily and productively working and content society.
Anarchy is a very poor choice of terminology for anybody, for any group whose intended message and its meaning are and/or do include Peace and Love.

Words (Choice of Terminology) can either make or break the chances for the successful understanding and rightful Meaning of whatever it is that it is being done or said or intended.

New Age Re-Constructionists / Re-constructionism

Such would is more positive and more powerful choice of term/terminology as it carries a powerful aura which began with “Education has two main roles: to transmit Culture and to Modify Culture”...

By the late and great American Theodore Brameld (1904-1987) well-known world-wide for his philosophy as afore-written!

It is always honourably effective and it attracts sympathy of the real people the sacred gift of/to Transmitting Culture and To Modifying Culture in order to overcome the ills, the harms and the suffering of world-wide society everywhere on earth.

It also carries a whole lot more appealing and winning power, charm and charisma than poor and ugly terms/terminology like Anarchy which reminds people of chaos, war, disorder and the best it can hope for is fear, message/control of others via fear-driven (empty/useless) propaganda...

It will touch the minds of the masses, but it will rub them the wrong way and without the effective intended results...

Wordsmith’s Art is an important facet of any message and/or communication because it is what controls the content in manner to drive the intended message and its meaning to the intended audience!

Obsolete Anarchy Versus Quantum Re-Constructionism?

I will take Re-Constructionism every time because it is effective as it aims for tangible results when it openly directs accountability to where and whom it belongs to.

None of this blind, obsolete and non-effective protests of the past whose fodder always went to waste in the wrong places and with the wrong people.

Critical Thinking requires factual information plus the intelligence, bravery and wisdom to articulate such information and power with good and happy outcomes and results!

Love and Light,

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon




(Revised Autumn 2011)

I wish to write a bit about the dear, sacred Norse Runes which are perceived as the most difficult ones...

May my beloved Norns bless this exercise as I offer it from the heart.

The Norns bless the good/benign and wise employment of the Runes!




Hagal – Halagaz – Haegl - Hagall – The Sacred Magical Rune of the Norn Goddess Urd – The Past itself.

This dear magickal and sacred Rune is quite feared, despised, avoided, shunned finally misunderstood indeed by newcomers to the Runes…

Hagal is the Rune that rules Changes which come from the Universe, from our chosen pre-natal scripts to us while we are here temporarily travelling in the very flesh of air, water earth and fire.

Hagal’s most common meaning is Hail – Natural disruption, natural interruption, natural events which are outside of human controls...

First of all…

Most people grow up believing that they are 100% in charge/command of their own life and of course also in charge/command of their own stuff…

And yes, we all feel that way as we grow up but the more we live and look around us, the more we realize that there is not any one recipe for happiness which fits all…

The more we get older and we begin to look around, we see that “Reality Obeys Not Any Rules” at all…

Hagal is the wild card.

Hagal is there to remind us to look to the Past and remember how we incarnated, how we entered the flesh, how we depended upon Mother Nature and Her Changes (Life, Death and Rebirth) in order to experience Life here on Earth in these time-zones that we come to learn and to teach, to experience a part of our own selves which we know must surrender to evolution, the dance of creation as we find our own place in the scheme of all things above and below.

Hagal has always worried religious Hustlers who are too preoccupied with “Being in Control” of other people and their minds...

Hagal has always been a nightmare for the 1% of the population who loots and controls the other 99% of it via their cleverly invented traditions, invented mythologies turned into invented religions, invented politics, invented nationalism/flags, invented academia, invented codes of values and conduct and ad nauseum…

Hagal is not a happy Rune for anybody who wants to be “In Control Of Other People’s Minds & Expression” like the arrogant however benighted “Powers-that-be” of the world…

The reason is quite simple – Hagal tells Them all that they are not in control and puts them all back to their places!

With Hagal, you cannot buy your way out of something…

For you magickal people like myself, you cannot “influence” the outcome of anything and you have no control whatsoever over what is hand!

I personally love that!

Too many dumb-ass people in control of everything for too long…

I would rather surrender my temporary sense of control to Hagal than to another freaking human being anytime!

At least I know it is not under the control of some dumb-ass/ignorant rich trouser-stain…

But before you can feel at home with Hagal, you must “Trust” Life/Death and Rebirth, you must “Trust” CHANGE and of course you must trust Your own Self along with the sum of your good and bad times as one.

Hagal tells you of Rites of Passage – Births, Deaths, Rebirths, Returns…

Hagal tells you that you will be blessed and lucky when you learn to be as one with the Storm, when you learn to see that you yourself are made out of changes and you should not fear that what you are made out of.

For what it is alive Death is certain and for what it is dead, rebirth is certain too… Look at the seasons and how they come and go and return again…

Hagal can attract Good Fortune for those who can embrace Life and Death with the same Dignity!

The Past implies what it was, what has passed away, what it is gone and spent…

Hagal’s energies come from a place where the past did not pass and all events are still happening within their own time-zones…

Hagal creates the Change which is necessary for making the space for the “Present To actually Be”.

The emergence of all of existence is to experience itself at all levels and the call of the dance of evolution is urgent but delicious because pleasure itself is equally made out of changes.

Transformation is the order of the day and you and I are not in charge, nobody is!

That it is fine by me! It is a relief to me to be able to see that it is not as it seems at all!

Hagal is LIBERATION through major Change which can be seen as disruptive by those who wish to hold on to their reins and controls over other people and their thinking.

Hagal grants the ability to bring Opposites into Harmony!
Hagal is the Challenge which the Inventive Energies of Real Magick can pose.

Hagal is the call of the way of the Wyrd – First one must call one’s own wyrd upon oneself before one can call successfully the wyrd of other people – Them upon themselves!

Change according to one’s ideals however only when these ideals are in harmony with the All in the scheme of all things above, below and beyond.

Hagal can bless a wish for the good/balanced and curse a substantial portion of a lifetime for the bad/imbalanced.

Hagal is known as the Unavoidable when it happens , ergo real and true witches curry their favour of their own Wyrd’s presence in their life before such a time.

I simply love Hagal!

It is a rune which sets it right when it comes to the baddies and meanies of life!

It is a very dear rune to me which I place in my window to attract good luck from the primordial currents which still run alive and well within their own eternal groves in the scheme of all things!

Love and Light,

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon





The Sacred Magical Rune of the Norn Goddess Verdanti - The Present itself.

No wonder Isa is the rune of the Present…

The present is always Frozen/Preserved in the Now and Here.

We experience as if it is always present…

But in fact it is not because the past takes its part and the future keeps giving away its parts so that they become the spontaneous and instant now and here that we all experience when we are temporarily alive travelling in the flesh.

This dear magickal Rune is quite feared, despised, avoided, shunned finally misunderstood indeed by newcomers to the Runes…

Isa tells us that it is not a time for Action.

Isa says – Stop! Freeze! Preserve for the time being!

The Freeze period is always temporary alike as anything else on earth…

Isa is about the Wisdom of a Temporary Rest, the Blessings of temporary and much needed Standstill…

An inspired Period of Absolute Stillness!

Isa is about Concentration, Unity of Being, Individuation of the Mind/Spirit and Flesh!
The rare blessing of temporary Self-Control which all life bestows and in order to allow us a part of supported pre-natal choices during the course of any one lifetime.

Isa defends by Delay!

Isa calls for us to trust the wisdom of waiting because “waiting is part of all existence as Life itself needs ”Waiting” in order to be able to divide itself to will and to/in infinite parts throughout eternity and all spaces.

I love Isa!

Difficult as it may be to wait sometimes…

I am always mindful and thankful for ISA and Her blessings throughout my life.

Love and Light,

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon





My favourite Rune – Nyd

I've always loved and do love all of the Runes…

But Nyd is the Caller/Provider of the Flavour/Taste of Life.

How would you know you have to eat or drink if Nyd went away…

How would you know you have to pee or poop if “Nyd/Need” went away…

Attraction & Desire would not exist without “Nyd/Need”!!!
Need/Nyd is at the foundation of all wishes and of all desire and attraction!

Nyd – Naudhiz – Naudr - Need – The Sacred Rune of the Norn Goddess Skuld – The Future itself.

This dear magickal Rune is quite feared, despised, avoided, shunned finally misunderstood indeed by newcomers to the Runes…

Nyd call us To Be Patient, Prudent and To Wait!

Things will be, will happen when their time comes to happen!

Nyd teaches us that Resistance leads to Strength.

Nyd grants upon us the Wisdom to become Self-reliant and effective in times perceived as difficult.

Nyd protects with Innovation and with Chance…

Nyd does not mean Failure, she teaches us that all Needs are Temporary alike as everything else…

Nyd points to Successful Victory within the Future but only if one is willing to honour one’s Needs and of course, “with dignity which arises from needing” and of course benignly and with wisdom!

Nyd informs us that only “Crossing the proverbial Abyss” of any Initiation can teach us the much needed lesson which will poise and prepare us for what it is ahead of what we had in mind.

We all wish, ask and try to go for/to work for that what we believe that we really and truly desire in life…

However most of us, we do forget to think about all the variables which can find their way into our lives through the newly opened doors which we so much wanted to open…

The fact is, unbeknownst to us, we actually may not be 100% ready for that what we want because we may lack something important which it is required in order for us to benefit from our so-called wish-come-true!

Nyd provides us with the delays, the impasses and in short with all of the proper constraints in order to provoke, to steer us towards the lessons that we require to learn, tests which we must pass before the windfall does come…

So that we may appreciate our events/gifts/blessings better and enjoy them in full, with true contentment however with dignity and wisely.

Think about this...

Desire comes from and is founded upon “Needing” which it is that’s why we feel the need to have pleasure, to please ourselves au natural…

Satisfaction itself comes from and is equally founded upon “Needing” which it is that is why we feel the need to satisfy ourselves au natural…

No wonder this beautiful Need-Fire Ritual Rune is called “Need” – Nyd!

To need is part of all life and if need is wisely attended to… Then its bounties are satisfaction and happiness.

Life needs Death and Death needs Life equally… In order to exist in the Dance of the Evolution of All.

I love this dear and sacred Rune - Nyd!

Love and Light,

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon


19th August 2011





THURISAZ – THURS – THURN - The Sacred Magical Rune of the good and dignified Norse God Thor.

This dear magickal Rune is quite feared, despised, avoided, shunned and finally misunderstood indeed by newcomers to the Runes…

I am not going to try to soften the fact that Thurisaz is very reactive Force, indeed a powerful and mighty Rune!

Very much and really and truly “NOT” a Rune to be played with.

Thurisaz is the feeding power behind True-Will, it is the Division Border between Perceived Chaos, Neutrality and “Willed-Format”, Perceived Order!

Thurisaz is “Not” Evil/Bad!!!

An electric line carrying/bringing a huge and mighty amount of electricity is not evil/bad!

But if not applied to its applications with wisdom, respect and the proper care it calls for… It can kill, it will destroy and it can certainly cause plenty of damage too.

A dear and beloved writer whom I am quite very fond of her works… She actually mentions an Atomic Explosion when discussing this rune…

Atomic explosions are seemingly “Not Friendly” at all when you are in this temporary flesh as a human being travelling through another lifetime/time-zone…

However in the infinite number of Universes, Galaxies, Other Worlds and in short, other dimensions and infinite inter-dimensional forms of existence like for instance “Being Light by Nature” (An eternal spark of Fire from the Eternal and Infinite Creatress Goddess) as We all are regardless of the temporary formats which we may choose to experience…

Well, Becoming a Star and exploding out of pleasure and the highest delight in order to experience other realities is not evil/bad…

You see, now suddenly Thurisaz is just a friend who knows whom we really and truly are!

We are not this temporary body we have, we are Lights, Sparks of the Eternal Fire of/from the Goddess!

Suddenly we realize… Hey, Atomic Explosions happen all the time and are perfectly natural, good and benign to other forms of existence, in other worlds/places and time-zones which we ourselves also have travelled through or will travel through in the course of “Being”, of existing as we dance Evolution and its beautiful gift of Eternal Changes...

Because that it is what all is made out of, folks!

- Changes!

However Thurisaz can wreck havoc in this temporary material world when it allows itself to be misused by people whose pre-natal choices/scripts include the need for hard and difficult lessons that Thurisaz can teach when activated on behalf of these people’s foolish, stupid, selfish, biased and wilfully ignorant behaviour and their consequences whether alone/individually or in groups/collectively.

It is all about Evolution!

Thurisaz is the Protective Thorn who protects a beautiful Flower in the garden…

I am not one for the attribution of Thorns to Thurisaz let alone invented (personified) labels like Evil and/or invented mythological Demons to Thurisaz!

I have myself lived my Runes in spirit and in the flesh. And I am quite happy with them all!

I love my Runes as extensions of myself, of my spirit and of my own flesh…

I love the Runes as a part of my loyal, reliable and wise Family and Friends!

I do respect the choice of other hearts and their perception of the same offered reality however filtered by their own willingness to see or not to see beyond the censorship/imposed limitation of their socio-politico-religio conditioning.

I can also understand the fact that human beings can create thought-forms and equally feed them with their weaknesses and wilful ignorance, ergo an empty beer bottle can become a symbol of miracles and tragedies ergo yielding effects and in short results whether deemed good or bad…

Chiefly if people add to it their own made-up part/portion of life-giving thought-power/soul-power.

But c’mon! Any real Witch who is worth Her / His own salt knows very well that Thought-Forms do their thing but they do not stand a freaking chance when confronted by real and eternal Archetypal Forces and Intelligences which were here and everywhere around before We (The Humankind Specie) arrived in these parts of the neighbourhood.

Thurisaz is the Hammer of the Norse God Thor whose powers can summon the Weather to change, rain, thunder and lightning – The theatrics, the effects of a Storm can happily dance for us and do their “Thing”!

Mind you, Thor's HAMMER (Thurisaz / Thor Himself / His Manhood) gets stolen temporarily by a Giant and it is taken away!

Later on and with the proper feminine assistance / help offered to Him...

Thor has to dress as a Female, as a Woman (Find The Woman Within and Outside Himself), now feminized / cross-dressed en Femme (Personifying the beautiful Goddess Freya) Thor travels far and away to the land of the Giants. (Thor has to undertake an Initiation in order To Balance Himself now Herself back to being Capable To Function At All Levels and into Himself - To get His Manhood back and equally All parts of Himself as One and in Harmony...

So that Thor can function at any and all levels and Thor can feel and can be Anything that he may desire to, may wish to)
Thor does fool the Giant (Or does he/she?) as he/she "Joins, Interacts and Pleases the all Male Giant while dressed en Femme and playing a Woman to the Giant and thereby afterwards Thor is allowed to gain his/her Total Freedom as he/she retrieves His/her Hammer (Thurisaz) and empowered by his chosen state of preference and of gender, back to being Thor, the Male God, he happily goes back home!

Thurisaz is a Rune of Transformation, of Magick, of Wise Sexual Freedom and Wise Gender Freedom which are founded upon Honesty to Oneself first, Integrity to Oneself first and the real Strength and True Security which come only from Within and not some stupid/dumb-ass invented societal code of invented values and invented conduct.

With Thurisaz, one is challenged to lose one's hammer in order to find one's freedom and restore integrity to one's heart and respect for all differences in oneself, in all other people and in all that exists!

Thurisaz is a Diversity-oriented Rune...

I will call it a Rainbow Rune because it bears the same Dignity and Respect for all Genders, for all Preferences and for all Modalities...

Thurisaz is the erected Phallus - Vital Eroticism, the Drawing and Attraction of Desire, its Consummation…

Thurisaz is Directed Power/Energy whether it is Actively Reactive-Power and/or Passively Absolved Power…

Thurisaz can also be Great Luck, Huge & Fortunate Change however it can also easily mean a Great Obstacle however coupled with the Inner Wisdom, Understanding and Power to break the opposing resistance and/or pass a time of waiting in order to achieve liberation.

Thurisaz is a Rune of Mighty Protection indeed however the protection which it renders is much like the good fortune which this rune offers and bestows:

– It requires inner and outer Dignity towards oneself and towards other people…

It calls for Wisdom of the kind which it is earned (experienced).

Thurisaz bestows mighty protection against anybody and/or anything…

This Rune’s Guardianship is very powerful but also equally wise and its misuse is foolish, painful and quickly corrected and at times in a rather mighty way too.

I feel sorry for those people who may arrogantly think that they can play with Thurisaz in order to act out their wilfully ignorant, harmful and self-serving stupidity upon other people…

Thurisaz can actually cancel one’s lifetime in a drop of a hat and It sort goes something like this...

If you’re lucky...

- Hey Junior, listen! You are done!

Get your sh*t and get the f*ck out of here!

Try again later and next time please bring/figure some Wisdom in your prenatal choices so that when you come to me, you will do so with Wisdom, with Evolution and Dignity to yourself and to other people!!!

Now if one is not that lucky, one may just get to experience in one nice instalment just before departure all of the nasty and ruthless pain that one has inflicted upon other human beings/good people throughout the course of one’s lifetime or perhaps lifetimes if one happens to be newcomer of the universe and still a very much of wilful nitwit attempting to be resistant to Evolution.

It is hard to have sympathy for people in the works of Thurisaz, because you know they are/were the kind of people that you would do better without for the time being until they grow wiser and more benign by evolving a bit, usually after a good bunch of lifetimes/time-zones have passed.

Thurisaz can be Good News from far and away places and people!

Thurisaz is the moment of an Initiation – Crossing the veils between worlds/realms via the Initiatory Gateway, the Passageway which separates common awareness and magickal awareness!

Thurisaz can be a Moment of Consideration/Thinking it through before you jump off that proverbial cliff for the New Experience… Moving to new possibilities can be happy if done with Wisdom…

Thurisaz calls for Wisdom, no doubt about it! And being arrogant and thinking too much of oneself does not fool Thurisaz… This is a dear, magickal and sacred Rune who knows “Who You Are”…

I love that about Thurisaz, no room for stupid b*llsh*t!

Thurisaz is Spiritual Power, it is the necessary Transition which all Progress calls and requires in order to successfully happen.

Thurisaz is Passion...

– As in passionate and affectionate Love Making between mutually Loyal and True Lovers & Friends!

Whatever it is that one does with Thurisaz must have “Dignity” because otherwise one will surely find One’s own Rubbish Upon Oneself and it can/could be very sad and actually quite tragic!

Having said that…

I will add the fact that I me myself have always loved Thurisaz along with all of the other Runes.

Thurisaz is a really beautiful Rune alike all of the other Runes chiefly when/if it is approached with love, with mutual respect towards oneself, towards other people and towards Thurisaz itself and all of the other Runes per se, you know, with some Wisdom and Dignity!

Love and Light,

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon



We all know those people with too much free time in their lives...

The type of folks who go around like a tabloid petty journalist snooping, digging, buzzing like insects seeking dirt on the people that they target...

Obviously nobody is perfect but the majority of us all are good and dignified human beings ergo I let our foibles pass.

Regrets I sincerely have none at all because I've always followed my heart and when and where I was wrong, I did forgive myself first and learned the lesson thereof.

No, I have not got any regrets at all and I am thankful about that.

Justification games...

In this foolish game, dumb-ass people will throw at you their absurd assumptions about you, your life, your choices and what you did or did not do and in turn they expect and hope very hard that you are stupid enough to get all caught up in their made-up/assumed rubbish and that you will readily begin to justify yourself to them and explain away you, your choices and whatever you did or did not do.

What a joke!

Again we all grow beyond this type of absurdity and mediocrity.

It is a waste of time to justify yourself to people stupid enough to waste their lives picking on you in their stupid fault-finding games.

Many of us feel like informing them that - "Hey nobody cares about what you think!!!"

"Nobody owes you any justification at all. And nobody cares about whether you approve or disapprove this or that!"

What a bunch of arrogant tiny pea-brained people whose place is in a loony bin.

Get a life and be happy!
Live and let live!

I will never ever change my ways, my choices and whom I am for anybody!

Mutual respect is sacred.

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon

For those of you who love the virtues of the online world...

Not all are roses and perfume...

Don't you just love when a bunch of curious or simply cheap and worthless trouble-makers, the sort which have no life, no meaning of their own at all except when they shine through somebody else's stuff either by ignorantly criticizing it or by spying and gossiping against the good people who mind their own lives and business and do not bother anybody...

Yep, these are human beings and this is a lot of times the best we can do, folks!

So there you have it!

No surprises, not any scratches at all - I do sort of count on free, uninvited and unwelcome bullshit...

Then I junk it as rule!

Nothing to it just another day!




A Collection - Of the Articles / Writings

By Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon (c) 1982 - 2013 US UK France Brazil


The Complaint Department

About A Crowley & G B Gardner

Cutting Through The Rubbish


Hi, folks!

In rainy days...

Aren't we all tired already of this lame Academia with its Sciences who are just way too quick to label "Real Witches" as mentally sick people of one type or another or the kinder and gentler mentally imbalanced people and/or finally ignores and attempts to assure the stupid majority that real witches do not exist!

And we must not forget the damage control fringe...
Yes, we all have heard rumours from time to time of blatant cover-ups when it comes to Unexplainable Phenomena, UFOs, etc...
Which are always carefully downplayed for the public and dismissed as hoax.

Aren't we all tired already of these people who put on this big front of "I am Big and Independent"...

- "I know what it is best for..."

- "I am this or that but..." - "I am the Alpha this or that because I..."

However when you really listen to them a bit and/or you read their stuff, you cannot help but to disappoint yourself for finding out that they are only "Sitters-on-the-Big-Fence"!

Like a bunch of scared squirrels...

They do have pose but that it is all They do...

Some of these people seem to have the manners of a wild zebra...

Some of these people can really play a world of carefully staged wisdom and meaning however they play it from their own self-made pedestal and as if trying to reassure themselves that they are superior to/better than the rest of the people...

Some are as cold as ice and you can see how they adore dishing out "Criticisms" as if they were born just for that and the world must thank them, LOL.

Five minutes later you take one look at their game and you can clearly see that they are just children playing with words, playing the "I want your attention show" and hoping that nobody sees how unsure they really are of themselves and their own beliefs and choices in life...

You know, the type of people who will disagree just to be trendy or become this or that because it seems cool...
It is most likely a phase for most people like that and it does pass and they heal, thanks Goddess!

But we still must deal with this primitive world of advanced stupidity, shameful greed and forced/imposed ignorance...

The majority of the people...

They just want to live a good and peaceful life, to partake of the give-and-take dance of life, have some love, have some fun, enjoy and fulfil one's own lifetime...

The majority of the people, they do not want any stupid wars nor any stupid religions to push them around, to manipulate their personal choices, their actions and reactions, to influence their political opinions/votes...

In sunny days...

Isn't it great that we can look at everything and still believe and trust that it will be all right and we all are going to be happy and satisfied no matter what...

Amongst the crowd somebody says - But JD, I am already happy and satisfied and my life is great!

There is always one of those...

In a crowd, you know...

Good for you! Just get ready for rainy days because nothing lasts for ever and if you are having a bad time, it will have to pass sooner or later as after rainy days, sunny days must always follow...

However for people too happy, hey get ready for the rain and always remember Life is mix of all emotions, of all flavours and we cannot avoid the sum of our own evolution.

Just having a talk.

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon



I would like to append herein my shared view that Gerald B Gardner did not invent Wicca at all!

I am also "Not" one to jump on the bandwagon of the people who have written and/or write books to discredit Paganism, Witchcraft and Wicca and our elders who were brave enough to have brought forth in public their own sharing.

I do not roll over just because some dumb idiots hiding behind their dubious motivations and their modified-to-order Academia which only caters to private interests of the rich minority elite.

Pagan Wiccan Fundamentalism is not my point nor my intent or position...

However most of the official history is made out of sanitized and agreed-upon Lies and to undress Paul in order to dress Roland is ridiculously stupid.

We all have our own share of our own "bullshit" but some of us are not afraid of being Human and to admit that sometimes we all are full of shit.

What is this rubbish of assuming that any "Corrected-ness Of Any Sort" is always the rule...

Dumb people, haven't they learned anything, the whole world is built upon wishes and dreams, most of it never comes true for those who wish them and the ones who do come true get modified by the evolution of all changes that come to bear upon everyone and everything that exists.

To isolate G B Gardner and simply crucify him for what he gracefully has willingly and freely shared is ignorant and stunningly and embarrassingly full of shit!

G B Gardner like every and each human being was not perfect nor complete and much like we all are within our own natural differences, means and ways.

I am not one to welcome nor to give a rat's ass about anything which comes from these presumptuous and pompous nitwits who call themselves members of the Pagan, Wiccan family but whose behaviour and actions display their shameful lack of love, lack of loyalty, disrespect, betrayal against their own religions and the elders thereof.

I do love G B Gardner and his works and I always will!

No, he did not invent Wicca however he gave a lot to it and I am thankful that he did and chiefly at the time when he did!

I would like to append herein my shared view that Aleister Crowley did not invent the schools of thinking that he wrote about.

He did improve upon the many existing schools of thinking that he was exposed to.

He saw beyond them and was able to grasp the Meaning.

I love Crowley because he was such a good joker, just take a long promenade in his delightful works, The Equinox, etc...

I will put it to you all this way...
Crowley nearly drowned and died in the spoils of the many seas of mythological junk, real rubbish that he had sunk in...

However, not really at all because he was a real lovable genius too...

Passing through and seeing beyond the mythological fronts and pass-me-not rings in his own works is quite a Herculian job which requires the wise wings of Individuation to negotiate the impact of seeing All as All really is...
That it is, to grow bravely and wisely enough to see through the human invented/made-up sides/dimensions of every and each word, of every and each myth, of every and each school of thinking.

Forget the Patristic tones, Doms and their wilfully ignorant and biased values!

Forget the Zoroastrian/Dualistic rubbish of the personifications of qualities/labels like good and bad and all idiotic/stupid and obsolete mandates thereof!

Crowley saw beyond all of that but then again he really knew where he was, the collective mind of his
own time, the well-trained, wilful ignorance of the minority elite and that of the masses/the people!

Crowley took it all and dressed it all up in the Mysteries of Difference.

Crowley realized that in order for his work to be respected, it must first be feared chiefly when one is dealing with the minds of primitive people - Children!
So he made his Mysteries of Differences sacred by adding the required religious language and flavours of his own time.

Our differences are as sacred as the powers/energies which gifted us with them.

We all are different and we all must learn to know and to own our own differences as they define our changes, our experiences and our individual Meaning.

Everything begins with the Self.

In order to learn Crowley one must first live Crowley, I mean - To live his Meaning!

Alike G B Gardner, Crowley did not invent Wicca.
Yes, I do love both A Crowley and GB Gardner for their works and I am thankful to them!

Wicca is a Religion, a belief system whose ownership belongs only to those who find Wicca within themselves first.

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon



I don't know where to start but sure enough we can begin with:

Mainstream religions and their false claims, exaggerated promises as the late comedian George Carlin had so very well put...

The "Economy", the business world and its mirrors and smoke make-as-if games...

The fact always as it was and it is, the economy, folks, it is always good and well for those who have...
And damn it, it will always be bad and nasty for those who have not.
End of it.

Hey have you heard about the National Health Care Plan for All?
The mass, the little people have been fooled again into fighting against what it is best for their own interests as they fight and play the fault-finding game of the minority elite and for the minority elite and against themselves - the poor.

Look, all you have to see is very little indeed! Do you a have a National Health Plan at all?
Thank you!
Then stop messing around and attempting to destroy everybody's chances of having one because something is better than nothing at all.
Once you have a National Health Plan in place, then go ahead and fight to fine-tune it to cover your concerns!
Bloody dumb people, I am sorry! But it is true!
Get a Plan first and complain later!

Just my view!

Folks, it is all rubbish...I mean real it is all rubbish!

To say something meaningful and/or to write something meaningful is quite o.k. and at times equally very nice however it is empty and lame chiefly if/when we do not actually live the meaning of what we are saying and/or writing.

The word "Friendship" used to mean something long ago... But then too many people began to use it so loosely and meaninglessly that it has become basically rubbish.

My friend that, my friend this, I am glad that you are my new friend... Rubbish!

Some people like to preserve, hoard and keep their moneys, their resources and that it is fine by me.
However when one of these people find themselves in a little jam or rather something like needing a towing, needing a ride... They call on their friends and family to rescue them.
I mean they prefer to save and keep their own money/resources and spend someone else's time, money and resources.
Hey if a person is out of money and needs friends and family, it is all right.
But it is not fair, it is not friendly, it is not family-oriented, it is not nice and most of all it is an arrogant self-serving/selfish way of behaving when we hoard our own resources so that we can use and abuse other people's good will and of course their resources.

"I do not play that!" People who play that or attempt to play that, they are not friends and if they are family, we must protect ourselves from their abuse!

Friendship is not a self-serving binge on a free-for-all abuse show!

Real and true friendship and friends are made out of people who care for each other and who really and truly are willing to put their hands on the fire for each other if/when needed be.

Real and true friendship require people to get to know each other in real time and in real life, to actually experience each other, to feel mutual trust, mutual caring and love growing between each other.

People talk, say and write so much these days under the so-called words as friends and friendship however nobody is bothering to actually live these words in real life and in real time. It is all an empty however glamorous and cheap put-on, it is all a set of spur of the moment short-lived, fanciful infatuations/staged reactions and superficial/selfish/self-serving situations... And in the end sadly the fact always is, that it is all nothing more than bullshit and not any friendship at all.

In the exchanges of all life, sexual relations are always beautiful and desirable however it is always wiser, sweeter and best enjoyable when it happens with meaning, that it is, between people who freely and willingly do care and love each other mutually and au natural... Because the rest may taste fine for about ten to fifteen minutes a year ago but it will get you sick for life or worse, it will kill you dead needlessly sooner than you expected.

It is an era of major rubbish indeed... Take this...

A whole lot of people have actually convinced themselves that they do not need nor want any "Love" because they are quite content and happy with just "Having Meaningless Sex" with other people who feel the same way...

At first, such looks absolutely brilliant and great... All the delicious pleasures of sex without any of the spoils of any difficult responsibilities which commonly come along with, without having to worry, without having to caring, without feeling any pains nor sorrows and the over-rated "no serious attachments" clause... They are thinking that there are not any consequences... Fools! It is all bullshit because we all pay for what we get whether sooner or later.

In the end the fact is that people do find out most of the time that they are/get sick and/or they are/get too old and for sure they are left behind and outside to die forgotten and all alone... Although this is not as if they actually did not see it coming because they did... They do get junked like worthless refuse and rubbish many times amongst themselves in such lifestyle before they do arrive to the end all alone in the lonely junkyards and cemeteries of life.
Of course there are exceptions however I am writing about the majority of the non-committal/easy-street/sponging opportunists.

It is all a good make-as-if show with a padded list of whatever it takes to keep this game on play.

In order to survive with meaning, I myself do have to cut through all the bullshit... There is not any other way!

I am a seeker of Meaning in all exchanges of all Life.

I am writing this because I felt the need to share...

I know that you know that I know.


What you can't see, counts very hard...
So mind the Meaning everywhere and in everyone that you meet, will you?
Because it is good for you.

Meaning is the flavour and foundation of all experience.

Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon



I had tears on my eyes as I recently saw a picture of one of the OCCUPY MOVEMENT/PROTEST members - poor dear! She seemed battered, abused and hurt...

And I felt bad for her and for all of the other people there and elsewhere who may have shared her fate in all the protests all around the US and equally Abroad.

My own personal opinion of Peaceful Protests after/a la 1950s, 1960s, 1970s style, pomp and circumstance is one which does not fully believe in any good/positive and long-lasting results emerging from them because this is not 1960s nor the 1970s and the real Corporate Criminals of the world, I mean the 1% Minority Elite behind all the created problems of the world chiefly the rampant and shameful Looting on the Working-Class, the abuse of the Poor and the nasty Promoters of the hatred, ignorance upon the wilful stupidity of the majority of the people of the world, born to be conned out of their free-will and off and out of their capacity to exercise critical thinking on behalf of themselves and their best interests...

These people won't even be mentioned let alone be worried or disturbed by all of this old noise from the past attempting to regain meaningful momentum in the present...

Those people funding the OCCUPY MOVEMENT could get their Wealth / Moneys better served by investing them in a World Publicity Campaign to deliberately attempt to open the population and general public's perception to the real "Human Beings pushing all the proverbial Buttons behind the world scene"...

Publish names, addresses and in short whom they are, their families and relatives and what they have been doing which affects World Economy, The Working Class, etc...
I mean a huge Campaign much like most nasty Politicians are so used to do at Elections Time...
Radio/Television - Radio/Television Spots all around the globe, analogue newspapers headlines/articles, internet spots on major networks and email campaigns targeting the whole population all over...

If the goal is to INFORM PEOPLE, such will be accomplished because as long as there is money to be made, to be paid, somebody will render the services as commerce always win...
It is the number one dynamics of winning and achieving success against any odds when it comes to people and their public opinions and their approval.

Don't forget Mainstream Religions will butt in via Corporate Criminals behind them in order to sway population, the public pulse however the people of the world in general, they respond better to Commerce than they do to religion in our times and this is a good sign that the good old primitive RUBBISH of the past does not stick as good anymore...

Besides with all the scandals within mainstream religions, it has become easy the job to display how meaningless they are and whatever they have to say is self-serving rubbish anyway...

But let's grant & assume that the World Occupy Movement/Protest does succeed in full in attaining their task to inform the world of what is wrong and where it all is truly coming from...

So what?

The majority of the people have not been educated nor trained to exercise effective Critical Thinking On their own immediate personal Behalf, let alone on behalf of all of their own best interests and those of others...

Because they do not have the informational education/culture to allow them such a virtue/blessing...

If you went to a cradle and offered a 1 year old child, a huge bag filled up with 5 million British Pounds in cash/currency and also you took hours to patiently explain how that wealth can help and assist that one year old child...

It would be nice, it would seem very good for a minute of two on the eyes of others and I will grant that it may even feel rather...

Very dignified as far as intentions and good will, etc...
But back to the practical Logics of Reality, the child is not old enough to manage the gift being offered...

Ergo the true people who will benefit from all of that money and wealth are the Parents of that child
(Not mentioned/Behind the Scenes/No Accountability) who will manage all of that money/wealth for themselves and a (long & big Maybe) manage all of that money for the good/best interests/benefit of the child...
Which would remain to be seen...

But it would be forgotten by the time the child grew old enough to attempt to claim any of that money anyway...
So at the end of the day...

It is extremely obvious!

To me, it is always something...
But in fact nobody knows for sure if/when it is the so-called Answer!

Do I wish to join the Occupy Movement?

My reply is No!

Do I wish well to the Movement?

Yes, I do wish it well chiefly if it for peaceful education of the masses against ignorance and in favour of wisdom, of the exercise of critical thinking by the people and for the people.

But facts are facts!
Case closed!

Blessed be!

Love & Light,

Sky aka JD Aeon


Time-the passing of time may prove what it is real and what it is not!
I trust time that way because it never fails, it never lies and it is never wrong!
Nobody needs To Join Any Groups or Movements-Protests in order to find out and to know that the Economy is not well, that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer...
"Bankers to blame" is as old news and as generic as it is meaningless since even the White House has pointed their fingers to the Bankers...
Nothing new there neither...
The real news is no names of the top shareholders of these so-called banks are ever published with real information as to whom they are and where they live, etc...
So it is just like always Non-Effective stuff which only goes so far and preying on the emotional buttons of people to curry sympathy and approval, again, it is old and it only goes so far...
The Movement-Protest just like any other also brings about Anti-Feelings against Police and Law-Enforcement in general which again is expected and nothing new because it is the nature of such demonstrations and some will get hurt, some will get arrested , etc...
We have precedents from 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and etc...
They all brought out the true colours of Law Enforcement and Police all over the world including in the US...
Nothing new, old stuff indeed!
The hunger, the homeless, the unemployment, the poverty...
Again nothing new, old as hell!
By the way, I also agree that the situation is bad for the working class and the poor and the needy!
Where is the concrete, practical, benign and Effective Results of the Campaigns, Movements-Protests like this one?
Facts are facts and it is hard to argue against results whether good ones or bad ones or the lack thereof!

Facts are Facts and the World Occupy Movement-Protest has NOT been effective at all so far and the only question is whether such it is On Purpose or not???

That information could point as to whom it is funding the whole thing!

Results is what we all work for and it is what everything we all do is all about and depending upon Who is funding the show, we get the full picture of what it is really being sought here, what is this show all about...

Why to fund something which will not work unless if the intent is really not to obtain any results at all but just political manoeuvre, political fodder either for or against this or that political party or whomever political causes, etc...

We all have our own opinions and views and yes we all may and at times we actually will disagree and that it is fine by me!

Time will take care of it as it always does.

Don't get me wrong! I want to make it clear that I am NOT against Anything!

Hell, I think that whatever it is that people believe to be right and true...
And well, for as long as people are not harming themselves nor other people...

And for as long as people feel that way, people should go with it and follow their own hearts and best judgment!

Most people know that Trust is not something you can place upon Businesses, Religions and Governments...

Trust must always be reserved for family, for close loved ones and for dear friends!
Again just plain common sense and facts.

